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why is he always mad


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My fiance' and i have been together for 2years and we have known eachother for 3 1/2, lately he is always mad at me for every little thing i do he says i dont listen to him (listen as in tell me what he the boss thinks i should do) and i dont do as he says, i have tried working on that but he holds so much resentment for everything its ruining our relationship.. Help... i dont know what to do. i have tried telling him how i feel but then he just gets pissed off and flips the script he thinks hes perfect and can do no wrong. i wish i could just find a way to get through to him without makeing him mad. ive tried everything i can think of from the way i say it to my tone in my voice etc. etc. etc. any suggestions

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have you really done anything to make him mad at you? you think not, but you could be wrong.





just my opinion, but anyone i knew who acted like this to a gf/bf was trying to tell them "i don't want to be with you anymore" without actually having to say the words.


sorry. :o

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