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question for the women

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Question for the women out there, is it important for a guy to have a car, house, monetary wealth, for a women to be attracted to him? what about looks? how attractive does a man have to be to be dateable? i am sick and tired of those out there who only see whats on the outside of men.

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No! none of those things are important in my opinion.All I can say is dont give up ,maybe you'll find someone more mature.

Question for the women out there, is it important for a guy to have a car, house, monetary wealth, for a women to be attracted to him? what about looks? how attractive does a man have to be to be dateable? i am sick and tired of those out there who only see whats on the outside of men.
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Question for the women out there, is it important for a guy to have a car, house, monetary wealth, for a women to be attracted to him? what about looks? how attractive does a man have to be to be dateable? i am sick and tired of those out there who only see whats on the outside of men.

Only shallow people. These include the male counterparts who are only interested in women who are drop-dead gorgeous, have big breasts, and nice bodies, and make a certain amount of money.

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hi mr moejoe,


for some girls out there, yes, material possessions do matter and that is their prerogative....just what happens if this guy goes bankrupt and has to sell all his possessions?


on the other hand, there are many chicks out there who couldn't give a pig's bum what a guy owns or how much money he has....i, for one, am one of those girls. however, i do like a guy who has goals, and who is not a sponge and can provide for themselves.


as for looks, you've probably heard the saying time and time again, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. as a girl, i have found myself attracted to guys that others would consider "very ordinary", but in my eyes, i think they're nice.....and it helps if they have a great personality and a sense of humour. i have also been attracted to very good looking guys, but once again, only because they have a personality that i feel shines.


i have also met ordinary looking guys with horrible personalities that i'm not attracted to, and very good looking guys with horrible personalities that again, i am not attracted to.


most girls i know are attracted to a guy with confidence, humility, a good sense of humour and a good sense of self. if you can be proud of all the good qualities you have, you will attract a girl who likes you for all those traits that make you, YOU.


you may be sick and tired of girls who judge a guy by appearance and possessions, but at least you've had the opportunity to weed out the girls who would be total duds to date.


good luck, be patient, and bugger off the shallow ones in the meantime!



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No! none of those things are important in my opinion.All I can say is dont give up ,maybe you'll find someone more mature.

Question for the women out there, is it important for a guy to have a car, house, monetary wealth, for a women to be attracted to him? what about looks? how attractive does a man have to be to be dateable? i am sick and tired of those out there who only see whats on the outside of men.
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I accidently must of hit reply twice or something sorry.dont know how it happened.hit a wrong key on my keyboard.


No! none of those things are important in my opinion.All I can say is dont give up ,maybe you'll find someone more mature.
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Question for the women out there, is it important

for a guy to have a car, house, monetary wealth, for a women to be attracted to him?

Well, I look for someone equal to or better than myself in that department, usually. I drive a new car, am currently renting because I'm not ready to buy a house yet, and make a pretty decent salary. I don't think it's superficial for me to want someone who is doing reasonably well. I don't need the richest guy on the block driving a Porsche or anything like that, but I will honestly say that I would not date a guy who (1) didn't have a college education, (2) didn't have a car, (3) didn't have his own (or with roommates) apartment, condo, or house, and (4) never has any money to do fun things. I also would be less inclined to date a guy who is saddled with debt. (College loans, okay, but credit cards, no way.)


Does that make me superficial? Maybe. But I don't think it's too much to ask that the person I date be on a similar level to myself. Just being honest here. I don't think most girls are as impressed by wads of money as guys seem to think we are. We don't care about rich as much as we do being able to make ends meet and have a little left over.

what about looks? how attractive does a man have to be to be dateable? i am sick and tired of those out there who only see whats on the outside of men.

Looks are purely subjective. A man has to be just attractive enough that I'm attracted to him. Some women will only date the hottest guy in the bar, others will date anyone. It all depends on point of view. I'd like to think that personality comes first, but in a lot of cases it sadly doesn't. (From both perspectives, unfortunately.)

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I'm 33..so the guys I date are in the same age group (30-37, roughly). I've worked hard to get a decent education and to have some things in life to show for my hard work. I'm absolutely NOT a golddigger, am very independent and don't ask for 'material things' from any guy I date (just ask that he treat me with respect, bottom line)....but, in this age group, I also expect that he has something to show for himself......I expect that he's independent, can take care of himself, lives on his own (whether he owns a house or rents, doesn't matter that much), can pay his bills on time, can do basic housekeeping, etc. If he doesn't have any of this happening, forget it....because it's been my experience that guys who aren't independent/can't take care of themselves, they are lazy, are looking more for a "Mommy" than a girlfriend and we're just on different wavelengths.


Does it matter if he has a car? Yeah, it does. Of course, it all depends where you live. If you live in a city where most people take the subway or taxis to get around (I'm here in Canada, but I'm thinking about, say, New York), that's different..but where I live, I damn well expect that a guy in his thirties has a driver's license and some type of road-safe vehicle. Doesn't have to be a Ferrari or Porsche (in fact, I'd prefer it wasn't...I can't stand flashy guys)....an older pickup truck will do........but he has to be independent, be able to get around. Once met a guy who was 32, had no vehicle. How did he get around? He rode his bike or got his roommate (had 3 of them) to drive him around. How pathetic! So what, if we went out, I'd have to pick him up? Forget it! Also, if a guy has no license, I seriously question why.....drunk driving? too many speeding tickets/accidents? No thanks.


Monetary wealth: Don't really care....just as long as he makes a decent living, works hard, does an honest day's work and isn't on the verge of bankruptcy/looking for a gal who'll be his personal bank...or one of those cheap buggers who always conveniently "forgets his wallet" when you go out to dinner and you always get stuck paying, etc. I believe in going 50-50 on things.


Looks? Nah, doesn't have to be super attractive...I prefer just down to earth, clean cut, takes pride in appearance. Not much into beards, nose-rings, earrings, lots of jewelry, huge beer bellies, long hair, etc. I myself am attracted to the 'guy next door look.'




Question for the women out there, is it important for a guy to have a car, house, monetary wealth, for a women to be attracted to him? what about looks? how attractive does a man have to be to be dateable? i am sick and tired of those out there who only see whats on the outside of men.
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