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back in touch with new bf and confused


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okay well just this week i got back in touch with an old bf probly the only guy who really treated me like i deserved but we hadnt spoken in a year since he moved from jersey where i still live to south carolina when he left he was smoking weed and a high school droput with no plans of going back now hes stopped smoking, got his ged, and is in the national guard hes doing great and i think he still has feelings for me as he said when he leaves virginia where hes doing basic hes moving me out to south carolina which that would be in april or may do you think if he were to do that i should go im in a relationship right now but its a pretty bad one and when i told my bf now that i gained back contact with my ex he said he thinks i still have feelings for him and should go back to him i didnt tell him what danny said about me moving there just gave him basic info and he could tell from the way i was taling about him i denied it but he said he wasnt dumb and could tell what do you think especially would love it if people whod read my past posts responded or if you havent you can ask for any info you might need

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