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advice needed

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Hey... here's a didly of a pickle....


My best friend recently moved in with a crush of mine... no big deal right?

Sure, its an unhealthy crush and he has a long term girlfriend, so really nothing of it other than wishes to build dreams on.


That is, until we found ourselves at a party for a friend of ours. My best, he and I drove our butts out to the country for this party (which was basically a "meet the girlfriend" affair) whereupon there came some serious flirting... afterwhich (when the party died down) came some snuggling, handholding, and general cuddly type stuff, along with him telling me how beautiful/wonderful i am. The next day however, when i spoke to him he appologised profusely and asked me to forgive his behavior and not to think of him as an a**h*** etc. I wrote this off as a one time mistake on his part, and decided to move on.


A few weeks later, i joined him and a few other friends on an evening of drinking schooners. At the end of the night, I ended up at his appartment with the rest of the hooligans. One by one, they filtered off, and I was gonna crash on the couch. However, he came to the living room twice to ask what i was doing, and on the third occurance he said "you should come with me"... and then "my bed is better cuz it has me and im warm" or something of the like...

After snuggling for a bit, he started talking about how great i am, and that he really hopes that i can... "find someone to love me as much as he loves his girlfriend" because i deserve it cuz im so great....


What the fun ???


I dont know what to do at this point... ya, i have feelings for the boy, but i dont even know how to read his actions at this point...


PLEASE help :(

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