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Please help me

I dont know

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I live in India where girls are very shy and talking with a girl is a taboo.I am an intelligent and moderate-in-looks guy,a ninth grader.Girls here hate to drem of love at 16.I love a girl whom every boy is after.shes extremely beautiful,intelligent,great natured.bt very modest.i m one of the few boys shes very friendly with.she like me,no doubt.Though i m confused whether she likes me as a brother or a lover/friend.i love her a lot and want to tell that to her.buit if she feels offended by that(she might consider me a brother),i might be even kiced out of school by our principal.moreover if that doesnt happen,she might sever ties with me and ill be SHATTERED.I dont want that all.

please suggest me a way to:-

!)make her see me as a friend rather than a brother

2)tell her that i love herin such a way that if her answe is yes,great but if she might feel offended,no harm is done and we remain as great friends as ever.

please also suggest me the exact words to use.


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