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NC for 7 months...will he come back?


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Just wondering whether an ex is likely to come back after 7 months no contact.


For a chance of reconciliation, do you have to have some kind of contact in the break up period?


Me and my ex have only had necessary text/email contact about practical stuff (flat, finances, etc)haven't seen or actually spoken to each other and have not discussed the relationship or ourselves at all. Does this mean that he has basically forgotten about me (out of sight, out of mind)?


I still have trouble with the NC thing, although I feel a lot better about things for not having contact with him, I would still like us to be together again but wonder whether someone could ever come back out of the blue, several months later with no regular contact going on.


I have one friend though, who split with her fella, had absolutely no contact at all for eight months (never saw or spoke, texted, emailed...nothing) but he called out of the blue to reconcile.


Anyone else had this happen or does it really mean that if an ex doesn't contact you, you are history to them?


thanks :)

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My ex called me out of the blue after NC for five months. Said he wanted to know if I needed help getting ready for Hurricane Rita. We have been talking since then, but do not know if we will get back together. I want to, but he says he is still afraid of having a relationship.

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Try not to use NC in the hopes of the ex coming forth and contacting you. BIG disappointment. Truthfully, there should be zero ...ZERO contact on your part.


I went through this last year.... spent alot of time on this site as well.. then felt like it was actually hurting me more. (ya know, sitting and dwelling in front of the computer) so I concentrated on work.... work and more work 7 days a week. During that time it gave me time to think and forgive (in my heart) my SO for hurting me. (looong story) Throughout the year I had sent 3-4 emails... short.. Happy Birthday, Happy Mother's Day.. etc. NO responses... oh well??? Bout' a week ago, I wrote her a very long email, explaining what I've been doing, how I've been, new stuff in my life... at the end I explained how I forgave her for what she did... The next day, I had an email from her... WOAH!!!! it's been a year! Turns out her relationship didn't last anyway.. (as I had told her a year ago) and she was planning to move out on her on. As much I she doesn't deserve my friendship, I can't hold a grudge cause she was very important to me... but I'm taking things extremely slow... won't speak of past feelings, past hurt, the 'what ifs' the 'why nots'... just trying to re-establish our friendship. So I hope this helps... anything can happen...

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