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Narcissistic ex or no? did he have an agenda?

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I had cut off my ex for 5 years and he reached out to me like 2 years ago on social media... We didnt speak for about 4 years, during this time he would still ask about me, like my pictures even when weren't following each other as well as contact my family to have them wish me a happy birthday. I didnt read into it much & paid him no mind... I eventually privated my page but he sent me a request a short while after, i approved cause after all these years i wanted to try being at peace with him... I never understood why during my absence he just never left me alone... He started to hit me up in my dms & i would reply briefly,

He always liked my pics even (something he rarely did when we were together), he watched most of my stories, we never really established a friendship or talked about our relationship. Sometimes he would dm me back pics i posted complimenting me & flirting & constantly sending me funny stuff... He gave the impression he was single. Anyways i found out he was in a relationship & had a child something he never mentioned to me or even posted on social media. Am i wrong for thinking he was trying to lead me on?

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Yes, he was probably trying to set you up to be a side-piece. I couldn't begin to venture whether's a narcissist in the clinical sense or just a tool who wants to have his cake and eat it too.


How did you find out about his real relationship status and child, and have you since blocked him?

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