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Carrie Bradshaw's got me thinking.....

Miss Mojo

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hi all,


last night, i was watching an old episode of sex and the city, and it was the one where samantha's latest (who can keep track of them!) fling said that he won't sleep with her until she has an HIV test...this led carrie to ponder why people are so concerned in protecting their physical health, yet so many aren't so careful to protect their emotional health.


i'd never really thought about that before. most of us will go to certain lengths to protect ourself from anything that may be physically damaging, but emotionally, it seems to be a whole different ball park....that is so evident from the many posts on this board and our own life experiences.


yeah....anyway, i just thought it was interesting. but then again, i am very bored at the moment, so i guess anything is interesting!!!!

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you're not alone! i saw the episode lastnight too and it also got me thinking...i also found that to be an interesting thought. our emotional health is just as important, if not more so, than our physical health and it's strange that we don't seem to look after our emotional well being as much our physical well being.


so there you go...u r not the only bored one around here!


very informative show, that one!


ps. i am soooo glad she told Big where to go!

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YOU WRITE: "...most of us will go to certain lengths to protect ourself from anything that may be physically damaging, but emotionally, it seems to be a whole different ball park..."


When they start making condoms to protect the heart from hurt, I'll wear one.


Meanwhile, your argument is illogical. It is totally impossible to love anyone without major risk of hurt. Even the greatest romances in the world will end at some point with one person dying and the other wiped out emotionally from the tragic loss. We have to see love as worth the pain that is absolutely ensured.


Emotional risk and heartbreak are as much a part of love as water and air are a part of staying life. I personally think living in the confines of a womb for nine months is pretty risky and, given a choice, I don't think I would want to do it...knowing what I know now...and having the claustrophobia that I do.

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Meanwhile, your argument is illogical.


well, not totally illogical. i mean, yes, entering into a relationship is a risk in itself, and so is having sex, but people are so much more willing to protect themselves physically than they are emotionally....there are a lot of people who don't look out for their emotional health in the same way that they would look out for their physical health....this is so hard for me to explain what i am thinking!


for example, a guy might enter into a relationship with a girl knowing she treats guys like crap and only wants to use him, yet if she were to have an std and it was known, he probably wouldn't go near her with a 10 foot pole...he wouldn't risk it.


hopefully (not likely!), i've made my point (or carrie's) a little clearer :) (i was thinking more along the lines of *knowing* the person you have feelings for is a scumbag etc).

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Maniacal Rationalizer

I think what Miss Mojo is trying to say is that people will become attracted to someone they know that will end up hurting them. This is a byproduct of what I like to call "love tunnel vision". It occurs when you start to fall for someone and all you can see are those qualities that you adore. It is very hard (if not impossible) to stay objective when you become emotionally invovled with someone else. Ain't love grand! ;-)

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