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Ladies.........fill me in

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Hi. To all the ladies posting here, i would love to hear what signals you give when attracted to a guy. What's the difference between simple flirting and genuine interest?? I'm sure everyone is different, so i'm trying to better my knowledge on the subject so maybe i won't be so clueless the next time......Thanks a bunch. Hope to hear from you.

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Hi JJ.


Your personality is going to determine a lot about the way ladies will flirt with you. If you are outgoing my flirting will be bolder and more obvious than if you're a reserved fellow.


Generally, however, I would show my interest by arranging my time to be around you - - making ways to have my path cross yours for the chance of a little conversation. You would notice me smile at you, ask questions of you, and remember things you've told me.


You would notice my hand occasionally touch your arm or your shoulder when we laughed or when we had a quiet moment talking. When my feelings increased you would notice I tilted my neck sometimes, exposing it in hopes of your touch. You would notice I didn't move away when we accidentally touched.


If the lady is attracted to you you will find she creates many open doors for conversation or for the chance to invite her out. She will let you know your presence is welcome and desired.

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There are lots of different ways to show this.If im out somewhere and see someone really atrractive I will look.Or most important someone that is nice and respectful.I get mostly atrracted to the ones that come up to me and tell me something interesting about themself:)

Hi. To all the ladies posting here, i would love to hear what signals you give when attracted to a guy. What's the difference between simple flirting and genuine interest?? I'm sure everyone is different, so i'm trying to better my knowledge on the subject so maybe i won't be so clueless the next time......Thanks a bunch. Hope to hear from you.
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