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The Write a letter to your ex thread


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Here's a thread to write out all those letters you were going to send, but not, because it would make you look like a complete idiot.....

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Our relationship was short, only six months

The last one and a half months have been tough. One minute I feel like I'm over you, the next I am depressed. Right now I am depressed.

I know you went straight onto POF after you dumped me and started messaging a new guy. You told me you were "not over" what had happened between us. For me this shows:


1. You were really never that into me in the first place. Especially as just two weeks before you dumped me you told me you were happy, and your friends wanted to meet me.


The never really into me is further referenced to our little split in January when you ended the relationship just two days after I gave you my V Card. Being really quiet the following day, then telling me in your car the following day you didn't see much point in continuing because the sex "wasn't what you had expected" Yeah, never mind the fact that it was my first time, and you were fully aware of this, and the fact you were supposed to be my girlfriend so it shouldn't have mattered anyway. And never mind the total lack of communication on your part during the act, I can't read your mind.



2. You are rebounding. You told me you were looking for someone because you "get lonely" Yes, indeed you may, but it means you are looking for someone to fill a void, rather than looking for someone to be a life partner.

Like all rebounds, it will not last. Remember that time on the phone when you told me you said "maybe I'm not ready for a relationship" and I didn't believe you? Well, hindsight is a great thing. You were right. You are clearly NOT ready for a relationship. Not a serious one anyway.


I know I'm going through the pain but I will be better off in the long term. I will be ready for a new relationship. A serious one. You will not be. You head is a mess.


In the end, you messed me around and lead me on. Dumping me and telling me you wanted to start again, wanting to talk, treating the "talk" more like a date - so much so we didn't talk, (there are your poor communication skills again) Hopefully your new guy, for his sake, will be able to suss you out in six minutes, not six months, so he won't go through what I currently am.



Why was I attracted to you anyway?


I wish I'd had not got you back in January, I wouldn't be in this mess I'm in now!


Why am I even caring?











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You're lucky I'm still talking to you because you have no idea the pain and problems you caused me out of your stupidity and lack of insight, and it is only knowing the latter that I was able to eventually forgive you. But no, we can never be intimate again because if you sucked me back in again, then I'd have to kill you.

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