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I just caught my boyfriend at another woman's house.

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Yes, that is very true. Although since he thinks he has done nothing wrong, I think it will be difficult to get him to leave. Yes I work and make enough to be able to support myself.


Then I would move out immediately.


The fact that he lied is bad enough. But he tried to blame you and didn’t take responsibility for the way he participated.


It can’t be a healthy relationship moving forward.

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For those whom think she has insufficient evidence... I don't know what to say.

I guess I think you haven't had a spouse cheat on you, or maybe you find little cheating acceptable, or have been cheated on many times and can't see how to prevent it.


The cheating starts at the lies, not the sex.


The ability to lie to your SO, to hide and find comfort or distraction with others of the opposite sex, is exactly what leads to very many affairs.

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^ Well said. Yeah, when he takes the least excuse to run to another woman -- a woman who was also motivated to lie to you, by the way, which a real platonic friend would not do -- he's a liar and a cheater.

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If old girl is running interference for him with you, then my dear, you are the other woman in this arrangment. When a man allows another woman to fight his fight for him and that woman isn't you, understand whatever you thought you had didn't exist as far as he was concerned.

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Seriously???? He texts from inside her house to say he was going to finish his beer!!!!!! This guy is not your boyfriend. As far as I can see, there isn't anything to break up between you two. I'd just take my stuff and leave without a single word of discussion. You owe him nothing.

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Alright, he told me he was coming home, an hour and a half later at 1am when he still wasn't back from supposedly being at a park 5 mins from our house, I think I have a right to be concerned? The same as any other partner would be about their significant other.


C'mon it's not like you were concerned for his well being you were concerned that he was out cheating and you were right.

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