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Territorial or is it more?


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I have been seeing a guy for over 6 months now. We were friends for 2 years before we started seeing each other. He's seems to always be hiding his feelings from me just to give a short quick history.


This weekend, we hung out with some of his friends like we usually do. He's always very protective of me, making a point for everyone to know I am with him. One of his best friends asked to use my phone which seemed weird at the time but I didn't think much into it. Well, his friend called me 30 times that night. When I finally answered my phoen to see who was buring up my phone he explained to me he asked to borrow my phone to get my number. Basically told me he's always been attrached to me etc.. I don't you get the point. I told him off and told him to never contact me again.


Of course I told the guy I am seeing because I was offended this so called friend of his would do this let alone put me in a situation so disrespectful and scandalous. The guy I am seeing was obviously pissed off about this but what I don't understand is when he said, it's not like we're serious or anything but I am going to kick his butt over this, delete his number and don't you ever talk to him again. I won't ever bring you around my friends again because I knew in the back of my mind this would happen and I don't want to take that chance again with one of my friends stabbing me in the back.


What I don't get is if "we aren't serious" why would he be so pissed off? If he doesn't care about me or think of me as something why would he not just shrug it off since I always let him know everything like this??


Any thoughts?

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He does care about you, even though you still have no official status. And even though he does not push for an official status with you, he is interested in you, otherwise he would not keep on seeing you.


What his friend did was a low blow to him, as he had made it clear to everyone that he was seeing you. If a so called "friend" plays an act like this, it is obvious that the friend is not respecting boundaries in the friendship. That is the issue in his mind. And clearly the friendship is valued less, than the involvement with you. :)


As for you, don't worry too much about the lack of official status yet.

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