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Breakdown after breakup

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6 weeks ago my fiance broke up with me and ever since I have been in a downwards spiral. Unfortunately we still have to live together for 2 months due to our contract. I am really struggling with this, seeing her going out and dating, hiding things from me as to where shes been and who shes been to meet. I can handle the truth but i really struggle with lies and hiding things from me, from someone I previously loved. My life has gone completely downhill, I have turned to drugs, prostitutes and smoking to try to ease the pain. Things I have never done before. I have so much anger and mental pain inside me and I feel it is spiralling out of control along with my new addictions and finances.

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If I were you I'd find someone to stay with instead of waiting it out there. If you can't do that, work some extra hours and stay gone more. No point in self-destructing when she'll be out in two months -- or one of you will.

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As difficult as the situation is, you need to get a grip. She doesn't deserve the kind of power over you that results in destroying your life after her . . . PERIOD. Kick yourself in your own rear end and get focused on just you and forget about what she's doing or not doing. Make plans with friends and family to be out of the house as much as possible for the next two months.

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