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I think i'm depressed please help me!

angel eyes

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angel eyes

This is gonna be a little bit hard to explain but i feel i'm in an emotional wreck I have problems at home, and with my relationship. first i don't have any money until the end of this month because that's when i'm getting paid on top of that my boyfriend is broke too in fact he needs to find a job this summer to get at least some gas money.


my dad left the house and is overdrawing money from our family savings he has -571.00 in the bank account, my sister and i had to help with some grocery shopping but is not enough our paychecks is minimum wage. we contacted his boss but we didn't get any answers, my dad said he's sorry and that he'll change but he has spent 80.00 more dollars in just 2 days.


i'm doing my best to stay in college i get financial aid for tuition and i'm borrowing some books from the library because right now i don't have any money for books or food.i can only borrow one book only so that leaves me withoutout one book and we just started to get homework.


This situation is affecting my relationship with my boyfriend because i feel bad and also we are discussing our religious differences in which we are going to see each other pastors but his pastor already made a point in which he dissaproves of us doing this and that i should go baptist or else break up, my boyfriend decided to see another pastor. currently, im not sleeping well,not eating well,i feel like crying for nothing and don't know what to do. how can i keep my relationship from being affected because i have no trust that my dad is gonna change i don't think he care about us because he doesn't have any responsiblity with us anymore. please help me sorry this was long.

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Looks like you're going through a pretty tough time in your life. Financial problems, family problems and relationship problems can be very stressful.


So, first of all, work on dealing with this stress. Each day, give yourself a break from all your problems. Find a quiet place where you can just relax and clear your mind of everything. Maybe sit there and listen to some soft music. Or go take a walk or a soothing bath.


Doing this won't make your problems go away, but it can help you to better handle these tough times.


About not having enough money for food, in many cases, government or charities can help. Contact your local government or department of Human Services office. There are also churches and community organizations that can provide meals, sometimes at a cheaper price or often free.


Also, use a grocery store where you get cheaper deals or buy items on sale, use coupons, etc.


About your money problem, if you're having trouble paying the bills, work on saving more money. Make a spending plan, and figure out how to take care of the things you need, and hold off on the stuff that you don't.


Get rid of any unnecessary services. For example, if you have cable, you could cancel it. Multiple phone lines, cell phones, cleaning ladies, recycling service, etc..things like these. Also, if you have a car, try to save money on gasoline, look for cheaper gas, try to drive less, etc. Figure out your costs of using public transportation and see if these are lower on a monthly basis than driving your car and paying for gasoline.


Withdraw some money from the bank account that your father keeps taking money from, and keep it aside in case of an emergency.


Also, search online for tips on how to write excellent resumes and cover letters, and play up your skills, and play down your inexperience. Then search for jobs that pay more than minimum wage. Or maybe look for a part-time job or goto a temp agency and find a temporary one in addition to your current one.


About college, make sure you don't drop out. Times may be tough now, but without your college education, they may still be that way in a few years. Think positively. Think optimistically. Focus on studying hard and doing well on exams, and imagine what you'll get out of this in a couple years. A wonderful job that will fix your money problems.


Now your relationship with your boyfriend...don't goto different pastors getting their approval on your relationship. I'm sure they all can find a reason to disapprove. Just as long as you two are happy with each other, and approve of each other, that should be good enough for you two. And if your boyfriend is giving you a hard time about getting a pastor's approval before he can continue dating you, then you might want to think about breaking up with him. Otherwise, it will just bring you more unneeded stress.


And I'm sure you can do without that.


About feeling depressed, talk to a local counselor. Most colleges usually have a counseling service/someone you can talk to, for no charge. Your local county government can also provide free help. There are also countless phone numbers that you could call to talk to someone.


I hope all this helps.

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You very well could be suffering from depression. Extreme times of stress can trigger what is called situational depression. Most colleges have clinics and counselors that can help for little or no charge.


I too suffer from depression and urge you to seek advice from a doctor/counselor.





This is gonna be a little bit hard to explain but i feel i'm in an emotional wreck I have problems at home, and with my relationship. first i don't have any money until the end of this month because that's when i'm getting paid on top of that my boyfriend is broke too in fact he needs to find a job this summer to get at least some gas money.


my dad left the house and is overdrawing money from our family savings he has -571.00 in the bank account, my sister and i had to help with some grocery shopping but is not enough our paychecks is minimum wage. we contacted his boss but we didn't get any answers, my dad said he's sorry and that he'll change but he has spent 80.00 more dollars in just 2 days. i'm doing my best to stay in college i get financial aid for tuition and i'm borrowing some books from the library because right now i don't have any money for books or food.i can only borrow one book only so that leaves me withoutout one book and we just started to get homework. This situation is affecting my relationship with my boyfriend because i feel bad and also we are discussing our religious differences in which we are going to see each other pastors but his pastor already made a point in which he dissaproves of us doing this and that i should go baptist or else break up, my boyfriend decided to see another pastor. currently, im not sleeping well,not eating well,i feel like crying for nothing and don't know what to do. how can i keep my relationship from being affected because i have no trust that my dad is gonna change i don't think he care about us because he doesn't have any responsiblity with us anymore. please help me sorry this was long.

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