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3 year anniversary coming up

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Our 3 year anniversary is coming up on october 21st and i do not know what i should get him. im in college and i dont have a job so im totally lost n wut to get him. For our one year i just got him a card because i wuz kinda in the same situation i am now. for our 2 year i got him a playstation 2 because his got stolen and he really wanted another one , that wuz when i had a really good job and wuz not going to school. he says i dont hafta get him nething but i cant do that especially b/c its 3 yrs. its a really big deal for me and i love him so much.:love:

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No need to spend a lot of money. Plan a romantic evening. Serve him dinner, pamper him, go down on him (assuming you are sexually active). Most guys will appreciate the time and effort you put into the evening more than most gifts, although a playstation2 is a pretty sweet gift. Good call on that one!

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