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Judgement Day with my FWB


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So... about a month ago I entered into a mutual FWB relationship. Since then we've not ever let it get to a climatic type of stage. It's like that's too intimate and we both go our seperate ways with desires unmet and our bodies and minds still in high gear. Last Saturday, after his refusal to continue because he didn't want to have an orgasm we cuddled and talked about why.


He said he wasn't ready for that with me. I was stunned and let it go. But then I brought up that for as much making out as we do, it never seems to get very passionate with the kissing. Everything else is great, but the kissing mouth-to-mouth sucks and he's constantly turning away... giving me a complex about my breath, my ability to kiss, etc.


He said that he's only ever kissed two girls with passion in his life and he's not ready to kiss me like that. Due to our work relationship we're constantly hiding our actions towards one another. He asked me last Saturday, 'We'd never work... would we?'--- The first part was like a statement... the second part he wanted me to answer- and I couldn't. I said that all things are possible.


Does my FWB want more? He's never had this much of a problem being intimate with me before- now he wants to talk about 'us' and what exactly it is I want. This after a seven months of me entertaining the idea that I really like this guy and one month of fooling around and me telling myself it'll never work- it seems to me that he wants me to confirm my original feelings...


is that what everyone else reads? comments suggestions welcome and encouraged... i'm once again at a complete loss.

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