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Bf willing to eat dogs?!

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I'm vegetarian, and usually I don't care what people eat, or others' diets. It's a personal choice. Or so I used to think.


Recently, my bf said he would actually eat dog meat, as he prided himself as someone who would try anything food related once. I was horrified. He eats a lot of meat, bloody, bl blue, rare style, which I'm fine with as long as I don't have to cut it for him or whatever haha. But I have a dog! We often hang out w this super freaking adorable creature.


After he said that, I said I won't date someone willing to eat dogs, and he said fine, he won't eat dogs.


But I'm still mildly perturbed. Okay, really disturbed. Why would u be willing to eat an innocent dog (or animals, but ok, I'll keep my crazy vegetarian beliefs to myself), for the sake of trying something out, for novelty? I'm still worried about this willingness to make an animal suffer and to be cruel to a dog, to satisfy this human vanity.


I'm probably overreacting, but i love dogs and especially my freaking cute dog, so I'm still haunted by his answer

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Dog is a delicacy in some places. I wouldn't eat dog personally but is this really something you want to break up over especially since he said in deference to you that he would not do it?

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As a veggie I feel we should encourage consistantcy in food choices.



Seeing dogs cramped into tiny cages on a truck going to a dogmeat festival isn't much different from seeing pigs and cows stuffed into transport trucks or chickens jammed into battery cages.




There was outcry over the Yulin dog meat festival from people who were quite happy to eat a steak.



Getting the message across that all animals suffer equally in transport and slaughter is something that veggies have been working at for years.

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Yeah people freak out when it comes to eating dogs but, apparently it's delicious.


Anyhow, as a dog lover, I would probably not want to eat dog meat but I see nothing wrong with wanting to try out of curiosity.


I always found it a bit hypocritical that people here will eat veal, lamb and rabbit but be horrified at the thought people are eating dogs and cats. They are domesticated animals to us but in some parts of the world, it's all they have to eat.

in India, cows are sacred so I assure you they would be horrified at the fact we'll eat it without a second thought. Muslims think pigs are dirty and should not be eaten and I mean: bacon!

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I know, I'm a vegetarian and I honestly feel really sad about any animal being eaten. But I've also learnt to not be "sanctimonious " and to keep my opinions to myself. So I've learnt not to interfere or be annoying about meat eating, but I guess when it comes to an animal I have as a pet, I just couldn't sit with it and accept it.


Not sure if anyone understands this

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I don’t understand the difference between eating a cow, a chicken, or a dog.


They’re all helpless animals compared to humans.

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Not sure if anyone understands this

Well I do.



I have heard that Chinese people had difficulties when they started to keep dogs as pets while they used to eat the animal. So now they make the distinction between dog breeds that can be eaten and other breeds than can only be kept as pets.



The experience of disgust is an important psychological mechanism influencing the decision to eat certain animals. In fact, disgust is considered one of the core moral emotions. According to Dr. Joy, a psychologist, generally the more empathy you feel for an animal, the more disgusted you are about the idea of eating it.

So, because most people feel more empathy towards dogs than cows we are more disgusted at the idea of eating dogs.

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According to Dr. Joy, a psychologist, generally the more empathy you feel for an animal, the more disgusted you are about the idea of eating it.

I feel zero empathy for a cockroach, but I would feel pretty disgusted if I had to eat one.

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Michelle ma Belle

I've leaned more and more towards vegetarianism and veganism over the years for a variety of reasons. I will still eat some meat occasionally - usually when I'm with other people and vegetarian/vegan options are either limited or non-existent.


But like JulieDtd, I don't preach about my eating and so often keep all my opinions and feelings about this subject to myself unless pressed.


There is a LOT of hypocrisy when it comes to this subject. I know so many meat eaters who have no problem eating the rarest cuts of meat but freak out at the notion of going out and killing, skinning, gutting and cutting up that cow they've just shoved down their gob.


Even for vegetarians, there is a lot of shaming that goes around by vegans for eating eggs and cheese which are often factory farmed. In many cases, the factory farming is even crueler and more inhumane than just putting a bullet to the head of a pig or cow for slaughter.


When animals are domesticated and become pets, it's hard to fathom them as dinner too. I certainly can't imagine serving my dog for dinner!


It's a difficult walk to walk if you're all about the animals. Thankfully, veganism has been booming with more and more options available to the average consumer but we're still a long ways away before it becomes the norm rather than the other way around.

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I won't date someone willing to eat dogs


I wouldn't date someone that tries to project their values and control what I do for no better reason than they don't approve. If you continue to control what he does, it's inevitably going to cause you problems, not only with him but anyone else you meet.

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Kitty Tantrum

I was born and raised an ethical/religious vegetarian, and I've never made a distinction between "pet" animals and "food" animals with regard to what's OK to eat. I've never understood how you can be "more okay" with eating one cute furry thing that squeals and bleeds than any other.


One day my nose told me pretty definitely that meat is food, and since then the only hard-and-fast rule I seem to have been able to pin down for myself is that I won't eat anything with an exoskeleton, because I think it's icky. :p Beyond that, would I kill an animal myself to eat it? Heck yes I would, if I thought it would be good eating.


Dogs... I dunno. It's not that I wouldn't want to eat them because they're cute or whatever. I really don't like 99.9% of dogs. But the way they smell and the fact that they eat poop... that's not fit for human consumption, if you ask me. Every other animal I've eaten tastes at least a little bit like it smells, so I'd probably send 'em to the glue factory instead unless I was starving.


It's okay to have double standards, though. Just accept that this is YOUR standard and not based on any universal notion of right and wrong. Trying to impose it on anyone you date as if it's the only correct way to live probably won't turn out the way you'd hope.


You should probably consider looking for someone who shares your views, if they're going to cause you to look down your nose with disgust at anyone who doesn't.

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I wouldn't do it, but it wouldn't bother me terribly much if a partner wanted to do it. It doesn't mean he's going to go around behind your back and butcher Fluffy without permission...

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Pigs eat human feces and humans eat pork (bacon!) so in essence humans do in fact eat their own poop too.

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Lets look at the positive side. He said he would eat dog meat he didn't say that he did. Him being so open to food means you could sling about anything out of the kitchen at him and it's all good!

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I'd be more worried if he kills what he eats..


Unless he is of the culture that eats animals they considered undomesticated then the guy is a nut job.


BTW, one of the signs of a domestic abuser is the ability to hurt animals, especially the animals of the person they are physically abusing.

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There is a barbaric festival in Korea each year where they torture dogs before eating them because they have some asinine belief system around it. It's nightmarish and I can't even think about it, but I wouldn't date anyone who would eat dog or horse meat.

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I hope politely disagreeing with a moderator is allowed. :)


I got the sense that the guy in the OPs thread was bragging about how he'd try anything once, even exotic food. There used to be a restaurant in NYC that served gorilla, lion, ostrich, monkey & some other meats that are odd for a US palette. There's a game & wild beast charity dinner catered by celebrity chefs near me that serves beaver, squirrel, pheasant, etc. I kind of understood the guy to be saying he'd go to something like that -- even if they had dog on the menu -- and he'd try it. In that vein I tried turtle soup & alligator meat when I was in New Orleans. DH & I were at an Australian restaurant & he ordered the kangaroo. I had a bite.


Now I know all the vegetarians & vegans here are appalled. Sorry about that. My point wasn't to offend.


My point was I don't think the OP's BF is a serial killer in training who is going to murder the family pet any time soon to satisfy some desire to eat dog. I just think if it was on the menu, he'd order it.



However, keeping this on the relationship track, rather than on the pros & cons of veggies v. meat, when the OP got upset by his statement, the guy agreed that he would not eat dog solely because it would upset her. That actually makes him a pretty good BF because he's listening to her concerns & accommodating her wishes.

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BTW, one of the signs of a domestic abuser is the ability to hurt animals, especially the animals of the person they are physically abusing.



Wow, this is a huge stretch. If the OP keeps pet pigs (and they CAN be a pet), does that mean that anyone who eats pork is a potential domestic abuser, too? :confused:

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There is a barbaric festival in Korea each year where they torture dogs before eating them .


That is just gross. Now I'm gonna have nightmares. Thanks preraph. I thought you were my friend. :eek: [j/k . . .it's hard to hear the sarcasm dripping off my last sentence; I know you are a good person.]

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I am extremely open minded and that extends to food. I'd be willing to give dog a try as long as it was slaughtered under similar conditions as to other animals I eat (as opposed to tortured in some some of ritual).


If I was in a relationship with a woman who would have a hard time with me trying dog, then I'd forgo the dog. She means more to me that eating dog which is probably around #21,354,183 on my bucket list somewhere between having a MMF three way and getting a full body wax. So no real loss there.


However, it would give me great pause if the woman I was in a relationship with had such a big problem with me being so open minded. It is one thing to disapprove of some aspect of my open mindedness - totally cool with that, it is another for her to vilify me for being open minded. I'm not sure I would want to be with a person like that.


Just my two cents.

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Meh. I cook pork for my loved ones who want to eat it but the open minded ones are usually pretty open to raising their own awareness.

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I just read an article about the sun throwing out a CME (huge solar storm) that would fry the world's electrical grid to the point where power couldn't be restored for perhaps years, that upwards of 90% of people will die due to starvtion, disease, and the general breakdown of civil services. Who would rather see their children slowly starve rather than let Fido or Fefe perform one last useful service by being a meal? My guess is that in the chaos, most animals including pets, will be completely absent very quickly... next would come cannibalism.

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It depends what kind of dog you have. I think a pitbull or Rottweiler would be quite useful in an apocalypse. A Chihuahua though? Start up the BBQ baby.

Also this is why I believe in having a garden and a gun to defend it.

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Anyone who’s traveled or lived in Asia knows they eat animals we consider to be pets.


As Americans, we seem to have a unique investment in seeing our sensibilities as the only correct, rational or desirable ones. IMHO, a limiting approach to life.


I wouldn’t eat dog, but also wouldn’t judge someone who does - or wants to...


Mr. Lucky

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