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he may have cheated but I love him!

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I have known this guy for 2 years and I have been going out with him for 2 1/2 weeks. I think i am beginning to feel love towards him. I wanted to see if he would ever cheat on me and I got my friend to talk to him online and act like she didn't know him and he didn't know here. She sent him another picture of one of her friends and asked him if he had a girl friend and he said NO! She asked him if he lost his virginity and he said he did in Dec. and he told me he did with me last saturday! (We both weren't ready for that!) she also made a date with him! I got really really mad and called him and blew up in his face, I lost all my trust to him and now i think he will cheat on me but I love this guy and we lost our virginity together! I want to stay with him and he wants to do everything he possible to be with me but I won't except anything! What should I do to make the relationship work?

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Okay, so you've only been dating for 2 1/2 weeks.


In those 2 1/2 weeks, you've already slept with him.


In those 2 1/2 weeks, you already think you love him.


In those 2 1/2 weeks, you already went behind his back to "test his love and commitment" to you by getting a friend to ask him to go on a date.


Questions for you:


When you first started going out (2 1/2 weeks ago), did you two verbally agree that you two were going out? Did he ask you?


Did he actually say that he is dating you and YOU ONLY? You exclusively?


Did he actually say that he will be faithful to you and not date anyone else? Did you two discuss all this and come to an agreement?

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I've seen better relationships on Romper Room.


Neither of you are ready to be in a relationship with each other. What you did on the Internet was juvenile and what he did was naughty. However, the two of you haven't known each other long enough to actually have a solid committment going.


I think he has more of a reason to be pissed at you for your deception. Also, if you felt it necessary to conduct this Internet experiment, you obviously didn't trust him...and now you have more of a reason not to trust him.


You do not love him, though you may think you do. It takes a lot more than a few weeks to fall in love. Even if you really are in love, it takes a whole lot more than love to make a relationship work.


This started off way wrong. He's still a free agent and so are you. Cut your losses now. This guy may not keep the date with your girlfriend but he's certainly still looking. Why would you want to stay with him after he did what he did, knowing full well he's surfing the net for more girls to lose his virginity with???

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do yourself a favour and don't let this relationship get any further than it already has. if you can't trust him now, what makes you think you will be able to trust him in the future? trust ME, you will just be setting yourself up for heartache! don't even bother trying to make this relationship work. i know its hard trying to let go of the person you lost your virginity to, but you will be doing yourself a favour in the long run. if he's making dates with your friend over net, then why wouldn't he be doing this sort of stuff in person? get him out of the picture while it's still early. go and find a guy who is more interested in YOU, not in making dates over the net.

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