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my boyfriend and i have been together for almost 3 years i was married and so was he in the beginning and now im not and he still is and we have had some really hard times here lately he says he wants me but because of some pretty bad things that have happened i dont know if i can trust him but he didnt cheat on me and i just dont know what to do anymore i am afraid of being alone and i love him with all of my heart but i just cant take much more

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I am not into the adultery culture and it gives me the willies to discuss it. But it seems very clear that after three years of cheating with you he has no intentions of getting a divorce.


While I'm not judging you personally, I think it was not wise to count on a man leaving his wife to be with you. Men who cheat on their wives also lie and deceive others. You have been had.


What do you mean you don't know if you can trust him? You already knew by the fact that he was cheating on his wife by seeing you that he could not be trusted.


It seems the culture of adultery is getting popular, judging by some of the posts here from people who defend it with passion. But I think what goes around comes around. And now it's coming around to you.


Get away from this guy and go find yourself a nice, single guy. Give up the cheating stuff and you'll be lots happier and live a more conscience free, fulfilling life.


You may love this guy with all your heart but that doesn't change the fact that he is married and will not get a divorce. And don't be so afraid of being alone. It can be pretty refreshing, actually.

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