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Am I being unreasonable??

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Forever Searching

Is it wrong of me to be upset that I found out my boyfriend has a profile on an adult dating/sex site? He had it up before we were dating I'm sure but we are supposed to be exclusive.


I confronted him about it and he said he hasn't deleted the profile but he unsubscribed and it will run out in December.


I mean I don't think he's using it to hook up, maybe just as something to do or amusement?? It just bothers me and I've been getting mixed advice. Some of my friends are telling me I'm completely right for being upset and others are saying that I should just let it go it's a guy thing. I have no problem with porn at all but this is a little different because it's actual interaction with real people.


There is more to the story as well, he is currently overseas with the military and we only dated a month before he left. I hardly get to communicate with him so it makes me even more mad when I see that he is IM'ing me and checking out the site as well. Maybe I'm being too demanding, but I should think he'd want to concentrate on "talking" to me when he gets a chance.


Any advice?

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How do you know that when hes iming you he is on the site as well? Especailly if he is overseas? Maybe its like he said, that he unsubscribed to it and hes not actually on it anymore. I would say though, that if come December the profile has not been delted then I would be more concerned. Right now I guess give him the benefit of the doubt.




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He may have unsubscribed but his profile is still active and not deleted.


There is no reason for him to keep it up other than he is still looking


If you are exclusive then he is cheating.. or trying to cheat

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Forever Searching
How do you know that when hes iming you he is on the site as well? Especailly if he is overseas? Maybe its like he said, that he unsubscribed to it and hes not actually on it anymore. I would say though, that if come December the profile has not been delted then I would be more concerned. Right now I guess give him the benefit of the doubt.






Because the site shows when you are online and/or the last time you logged in and I checked the last time he was talking to me and he was logged on to the site.

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Forever Searching
He may have unsubscribed but his profile is still active and not deleted.


There is no reason for him to keep it up other than he is still looking


If you are exclusive then he is cheating.. or trying to cheat


That is exactly how I feel. He told me when he replied to my confrontation that if I think he's going to hook up or meet someone on "that" site think again. But, why have it then? For Sh*ts and giggles?


My own father thinks I'm being unreasonable. I figure if he likes me enough he'd take it down.

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Hey Forever,

I don't think i would like that too much .. I would be very pissed and move on .. This guy needs more that what you are giving ... How do you know he isn't dating others as well as you .. This guy can't be trusted!! goo luck

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