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I Keep Saying The Wrong Things!


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So Im talking to this guy friend..family friend of 7 years and he asks me why it took 7 years for us to find this connection...everytime we talk I realize how much I like him and I get scared. He's in med school and that intimidates me somehwat...so when he asked me that I immediately asked him why he asked that..if he thought I was suspcious or that I had any motives...I didnt mean it in a negative way ..I just got scared. So I wrote him an email apologizing and telling him upfront that for once I want to get to know someone for who he is without the materialistic value and for someone to get to know me for me. I hope this fixes things..we've been talking consistently but I think I need some tips no how to stay positive...my past relationships have always been negative so thats why I tend to think negative..please help! Furthermore, he's asked my parents for permission to date me but whenever he talks to me it isnt like that..? IM lost. Plus, we're long distance rite now because hes away doing med school..what to do?!

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cud u be a little more specific...........i dont get it if he has asked ur parents permission then wot is the problem how is he not acting like...........plus this is long distance sometimes a person means well but cant put into words .i suggest talk it out with him everything shud be fine...........dont worry abt ur past and let this relationship takes its own path........


thts all i cud give advice on coz i wish u cud be more specific....

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