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@alphamale: The Dunning-Kruger effect if a type of cognitive bias where one over-estimates one's abilities. In short, you think you're better at something then you really are. And, incompetence prevents one from recognizing their own mistakes, i.e. the old adage, "ignorance is bliss."

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@alphamale: The Dunning-Kruger effect if a type of cognitive bias where one over-estimates one's abilities. In short, you think you're better at something then you really are. And, incompetence prevents one from recognizing their own mistakes, i.e. the old adage, "ignorance is bliss."


I see, very interesting Watercolours

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These kids assumed they knew.


These kids were making decisions based on what they'd been taught.


They don't know about protected sex because their religion does not support contraception. Merrick also stated earlier that marriage is how they traditionally deal with teen pregnancies....so teen pregnancies are very much a part of this culture. The children can't be blamed for making bad decisions when they weren't given access or support to make alternate decisions.

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Yep, you already know when a teen gets pregnant that they are too immature for marriage or they'd not have gotten pregnant.


This is a fair comment IF the teens have access to sex ed, contraception and support in using it.


However, it's not a fair judgement of teens who are from areas where sex ed consists of abstinance only and/or have no access to contraception. Those teens have been set up to fail by their parents and the local governments who allow this to be a thing.

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This is a fair comment IF the teens have access to sex ed, contraception and support in using it.


However, it's not a fair judgement of teens who are from areas where sex ed consists of abstinance only and/or have no access to contraception. Those teens have been set up to fail by their parents and the local governments who allow this to be a thing.


To not know that, they would have to be homeschooled and forcibly isolated because word of mouth with teens and the internet.

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@alphamale: The Dunning-Kruger effect if a type of cognitive bias where one over-estimates one's abilities. In short, you think you're better at something then you really are. And, incompetence prevents one from recognizing their own mistakes, i.e. the old adage, "ignorance is bliss."


My favourite description - they are unconsciously incompetent. They don’t know what they don’t know...

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I also get the impression that your own personal views are GENERALLY more "open-minded" if you will, than much of your community (you mention abortion, and I can't imagine that's the only thing).


Kinda. I'm a recent convert, and my husband hasn't forced me into anything. He's kind of a soft touch when it comes to me. Besides, being part of the community is totally voluntary. Join if you want, leave if you want...but if you stay there's a standard of behavior. A couple of kids have grown up and just left. Wife #1 left when she came of age, but went back after a while.



It appears that this girl and the boyfriend want to have the child so talk of terminating or adoption are off the table, no matter what we in a forum might think should happen.

Correct. That one was decided before anybody except the two of them even knew about it. Girl found out she was pregnant and knew she wanted to have her baby. Boy found out he was going to be a father, immediately proposed marriage.


This community discourages exposure. It suggests the outside world couldn't or shouldn't be trusted, that only the community can protect them

PS: 80% of the US lives in urban areas; 30-40% of the US lives directly on or near a coast. This has nothing to do with elitism or contempt, it's just me saying that a lifestyle based on paranoia and separation is not healthy.

Given what you have mentioned about your location and the nature of your community, there is zero chance that the state and federal government are unaware of these activities,

Yes, we discourage exposure to things like certain movies, public schools, and living in major cities. Just because the new normal is what it is doesn't make it right. "Broad is the path that leads to destruction" and all of that. We know we are a minority and that's just fine. We are growing exponentially, though, both through reproduction and conversion. At this rate, in two generations there will be thousands of us.


As for the government, of course they know about us and the other communities like ours in our area. We live and work and shop and pay taxes like pretty much everybody else. My husband is a manager at a significant local company, and has been asked even by people outside our community to run for public office (he declines.)


We aren't hiding, and we socialize with our neighbors. If they wanted to come for someone, I'm pretty sure they'd head for the walled "compound" commune a few miles down the road. We're normal enough and there's enough of us that if Uncle Sam wanted to come murder us, it would be impossible to do without a lot of unrest in the middle of the nation like you've never seen before. Not politically feasible even if they had some kind of reason. Genocide isn't exactly popular.


It sounds like the girl isn't one of them, though, and may even be a missing person.

She's not missing. Her mother knows right where she is and could care less. The girl has been coming to evening classes and weekend services for a long time now. The mother's response to the girl wanting to get married was, and I quote, "Oh, ok whatever." She's basically happy to be rid of her daughter.

As for the sex-ed, I really have no idea what they were taught. The girl was educated by the public schools, so there's that. The boy was mostly homeschooled, but has friends outside of the community. And there's the internet. But asking them questions about contraception is definitely NOT my business.


Right now, I'm helping them figure out wedding food and buy car tires. Because evil cult women indoctrinate the youth through butter-cream frosting, stuffed peppers, and preventative vehicle maintenance :rolleyes:

Edited by major_merrick
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If you REALLY want to help her - help her get her GED or a high school diploma and some sort of education beyond that.


Without any means to support hrself and her child and without any familial support, there's no way you can call her staying with her boyfriend/husband in your community as her "choice".


Currently she has no choice. And if she doesn't establish some kind of life and independence for herself, she will likely never have a choice.

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If you believe her mother has abandoned her, then why haven't you reported her to CPS and let them decide what to do for this girl instead of trying to get her to marry at 17?

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If you believe her mother has abandoned her, then why haven't you reported her to CPS and let them decide what to do for this girl instead of trying to get her to marry at 17?

Because CPS puts girls in foster homes that are even worse than where they came from. I would never call CPS or even permit them to operate anywhere near me or anybody I care about. CPS is corrupt and is one of the reasons we have so much human trafficking. I spent most of my childhood and teenage years covering up my living conditions and protecting my abusive parents so that CPS wouldn't take me and my sister and sell us somewhere. I don't have language strong enough or permissible on this forum to describe my hatred for that criminal organization.

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They would only do that as a last resort. More likely they'd put her with a grandmother or aunt who was more responsible on one side or the other of her family. But before they would take her at all, they'd give her mother some hoops to jump through and demand she do better.

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Because CPS puts girls in foster homes that are even worse than where they came from. I would never call CPS or even permit them to operate anywhere near me or anybody I care about. CPS is corrupt and is one of the reasons we have so much human trafficking. I spent most of my childhood and teenage years covering up my living conditions and protecting my abusive parents so that CPS wouldn't take me and my sister and sell us somewhere. I don't have language strong enough or permissible on this forum to describe my hatred for that criminal organization.


CPS still beats living on the streets or turning tricks for ca$h….you should look at countries that don't have any CPS or similar outfit

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If you REALLY want to help her - help her get her GED or a high school diploma and some sort of education beyond that.

Working on that currently. She's smart, but not academically inclined...convincing her to apply herself has taken a while.



CPS still beats living on the streets or turning tricks for ca$h….you should look at countries that don't have any CPS or similar outfit

You haven't been reading the news. CPS is a funnel for human trafficking. If you are a kid and you end up in CPS' clutches, you might end up turning tricks WITHOUT even the cash in return. Even some kids who are taken temporarily by CPS return to their parents already having been sexually abused. This has been going on for many years, and the risk has been known for a long time by people who live in poor communities.


I found out about CPS' abuses by word-of-mouth when I was still a kid. Including from some girls who had been through it. I decided that I would fight to the death if they came for me and my sister. I spent years living in terror, trying to feed and clothe and provide for us while having no money at all....trying to look healthy and happy enough that there wouldn't be any kind of an investigation. CPS is evil, and I believe that people who call CPS on others are complicit either out of ignorance or malice. This nation will be judged by God for allowing such shameful things to continue.


Thankfully, that risk is almost over for this girl. She's legally emancipated and no longer a minor once she gets married.

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You haven't been reading the news.


yes I have, I watch local news, PBS Newshour, CNN, FOX, BBC, CBS nightly news with Nora O'Donnell


I watch lots of news and i'm very well informed compared to the average American :)

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I said "reading" not watching. Watching TV is for the proles. But even the mainstream is starting to pick this up, and IIRC, an Arkansas state senator was murdered a while back for attempting to expose what's going on.

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OMG, Major, you have been so brainwashed. When the rest of the world is wrong and you're right, it's you. I am extremely informed on human trafficking. I've read root-source material and legal hearings/trials on it. You don't know what you're talking about because you've been brainwashed to support your lifestyle and to justify drawing in young people, apparently. And to turn you against ever asking for help from law enforcement because your people don't want to mix it up with them because what you're doing is illegal.


Could there be a couple of corrupt people in CPS? By the law of averages, yes. Does that make CPS human traffickers? No. What you're doing harboring a minor and trying to "calm her down," well, look in the mirror.

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Why don't guide the parents who are there to handle their own kid??? Cause soon or later they gotta deal with them anyway. In such sensitive period you need more of your real blood and a loving place. Do the bit you can and teach her the good you know about pregnancy. If you have kids yourself... And work on unite them with the parents start with the one who is there already. At the end that's what they longing for.

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There's two separate things to think about, there's 'CPS' in general and there's 'foster care'.


CPS in general is mostly just social workers trying to help. They will visit homes and make suggestions. They do not usually remove children unless things are dire. They don't want to, because it's expensive taking care of kids and they would really rather you just clean up your act.


When a situation is bad enough that CPS has to yank a kid out of a home, they first look for a relative to place the kid with. Because again, this is much cheaper! They don't have to pay grandma to look after the kid, they can just say "Hey! Your kid now!" and pass it over. Now, if grandma is also abusive, or if grandma is in league with the original abusive parents, this sucks and doesn't help much. There are known cases of kids being taken by CPS and given to aunts/uncles, who immediately give them back to their parents, who then flee the state with them. OOPS.


If NO relative is available, then a kid goes into the care system, and this is where stuff gets dicey. Unfortunately, going into the care system paints a giant target on your head. It says "I am young and vulnerable and desperate for love and attention and no one is looking out for me."


Some people are eager to sign up as foster parents because they believe it is their religious duty to save souls. So they want to get their hands on as many children as possible and try to bring them into the one true religion, whatever they think the one true religion is. That can go badly.


Some people are eager to sign up as foster parents because they want to abuse kids, and this way they can get hold of kids that don't have any other parents to defend them. This goes VERY badly.


And of course many foster kids don't end up with families at all, but in 'group homes' - which means they're surrounded by a bunch of other traumatised kids who may be violent, and are seen as prime recruiting territory for gangs and pimps. If you're REALLY unlucky you end up at a home where the people in charge of that home are themselves abusers.


CPS as a whole never deliberately sells children into prostitution. But predators are drawn to that network of kids!


Any time you lock up kids in an institution, you present a big target for people who want to abuse children.


Which is why so many people are so upset about immigration centres deliberately taking refugee kids away from their guardians. Putting them in care alone is basically guaranteeing that predators will come after them. It's just how these things work.

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OMG, Major, you have been so brainwashed. When the rest of the world is wrong and you're right, it's you. I am extremely informed on human trafficking. I've read root-source material and legal hearings/trials on it. You don't know what you're talking about because you've been brainwashed to support your lifestyle and to justify drawing in young people, apparently. And to turn you against ever asking for help from law enforcement because your people don't want to mix it up with them because what you're doing is illegal.


Could there be a couple of corrupt people in CPS? By the law of averages, yes. Does that make CPS human traffickers? No. What you're doing harboring a minor and trying to "calm her down," well, look in the mirror.

Preraph, I think you have been brainwashed by the system you participate in. The government has a strangle hold on lots of people now. In our faith, we are taught to expect this. We are in the world, but not part of that system. And yes, the world is crazy and has been for a very long time. The intensification of that crazy and the escalation of government brainwashing precedes the end of all things, the rise of the New World Order and the AntiChrist, etc...


I mean, we live in a world where even when people realize they are being lied to, the "official sources" still stick with the lie. Like the Kennedy assassination, 9/11, Epstein's "suicide," the countless Clinton-related murders, etc... Joe Biden did a lovely Freudian slip a while back, "We choose truth over facts." People laughed at that like he's some funny old fart, but when the leftists believe that truth is relative, he means what he says. The government and those who support it, believe in it, and approve of it prefer THEIR VERSION of truth over anything else.


All I know in life is what I see with my own eyes. Government separates and destroys. Independent community heals and defends.


And you don't know your legal terms. You say we are "harboring" a minor. To be an offense, it is assumed that we are doing so without authorization. In fact, the family she lives with has her mother's permission. Yes, she's a bad mother, but she hasn't been determined to be a bad mother by a court. Therefore, her permission is valid. So, not an issue. And the girl has her mother's permission to get married, and will be emancipated once married. Even if it was an offense, someone would have to complain...and people know better around here.

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All I know in life is what I see with my own eyes. Government separates and destroys. Independent community heals and defends.


I'm very fascinated by the way you live. What does "independent community" mean? Is it part of a larger network of "independent communities?" If you still pay taxes, how is it independent? What makes it different than just living in a, say, typical neighborhood?

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