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So, what IS love?

David Gevert

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David Gevert

You know, everyone seems to act like they know what love is. What do you think it is? Do you think that "true" love only comes once? How do you know if you're in love?

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There were many times I felt true love.But true love isnt true love unless if the other person loves you the same way you love them.I thought many times I was in love and made many mistakes.You will know when your in love it will come nataurally,when you are you will know.

You know, everyone seems to act like they know what love is. What do you think it is? Do you think that "true" love only comes once? How do you know if you're in love?
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1. What do you think it is?


There are many kinds of love. I suppose you are asking about romantic love here. If you have to ask, you have never been in love. When you fall in love, you will find it beyond description but you won't have to ask about it.


2. Do you think that "true" love only comes once?


No, it can come around a number of times. When you're ready to commit to someone, then you will marry the person you are in love with at the time.


Some true love is truer than others, believe it or not. But no matter how true it is, if you don't work on it or if you neglect it...it can go out the door pretty fast. You can't take love for granted.


3. How do you know if you're in love?


You are in love when you don't have to ask the question above.

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