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A whole building of single men (long read)

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A joke?


This 9 story building has single eligible men on each floor. A woman enters and the host tells her that on the first floor all the men are single and live in her city. He says that she can go to all the floors but she cannot return to a floor after she saw it.

She walks into the first room and says, "this is okay but these guys aren't so good looking and fit.I want only handsome very fit men."


So he takes her to the second floor and says, "all these single eligible men are in your area and are handsome."

She looks around at all of them, and says", well, they don't have good jobs and not a lot of money either. I want a richer man."

So he takes her to the third floor and says, these men are all single, handsome and have very good jobs, plenty of money and generous."

She goes in and talks around, then says."These guys are okay but I want one who loves kids."

So on the fourth floor, he says. all these guys are single, handsome, financially well off and love kids".


She walks in and hangs around a while, and says, "well, I want someone really romantic! They aren't so romantic".

So on the fifth floor, he says, all these men are single, handsome, fit, financially well off, love kids and romantic.

She says, , but are they nice, kind and have a sense of humor? Show me them.

So on the sixth floor, he says, all these guys are single, handsome, financially well off, love kids, romantic and are very nice, kind and love to laugh.

She looks around and talks with them and says, yes this is good, but they don't share my interests.

So on the seventh floor, he says, all these men have everything you want and also share your interests too.

Well, that's all nice, but really, are they sexually compatible with me and my desires? That's what I want--a perfect guy.

On the eighth floor, the host says, all these guys have everything you want and are very sexually compatible. High sex drive.


Finally, she says, I'm very picky. I still want to see the 9th floor so I can date Mr. Perfect.

On the 9th floor, there are no men. The host says, well no one is left here to see. You can leave the building, or go the next room full of women complaining how there are no men.

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Women are not aliens. As soon as your story got to the second floor, I thought No! In reality she goes directly to the 9th floor. Start at the top and work her way down.

Men do this too. So do children, dogs, chimps. First choice means you choose it first. Then second choice, third choice, etc. Nobody does it in reverse.

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I get the feeling this story is some moralizing tale.



A bit contrived, one can always go back.



Sounds like a story a first floor guy would write.

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And here us weirdos are on the 13th floor with a big sign, "We're strange, but lots of fun!". :devilemoji:

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And here us weirdos are on the 13th floor with a big sign, "We're strange, but lots of fun!". :devilemoji:



I like to hang out near the 13th Floor Elevators, they rock ;)

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At least she didn't get crushed to death by the elevator like that guy in New York. Saw the video and it looked like an exceptionally painful way to go.

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