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Has she cheated on me?

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Me and my girlfriend were together for 1 year and 6 months we broke up for a silly reason which could have been solved in a week time after taking a little space.

But we broke up she gave me her closure and everything.

5 days later, she goes clubbing she kisses another random guy and exchanges number and goes pub for drinking. And kissed another 5 times the same guy went with her in the car and stuff


Me myself, I was missing her through out time, she blocked me from everywhere because her friends are bad influence on her. I was crying for her to just speak with her.

2 weeks later she went clubbing once again, I saw her because I went past to that club, I just went for a casual drive to relax my mind and not to think about her. Then she rangs me when I reached at home and was about to sleep saying, she loves me and she misses me.

She came outside my house, I paid for her taxi. She started saying she loves me, she wants to marry me and wants to have family with me. We had little drama scene for 30 minutes near my house.

I finally dropped her home and she wanted me to stay with her until she falls asleep. When she passed out thats when I got to know that she kissed another random dude at club after 5 days of our breakup.

She had videos on her phone and telling her best friend saying the guy is hot and all.

I felt so bad and I started crying and obviously more drama happened afterwards.


How can she break my trust in 5 days. Okay I get that she broken up with me but she never thought about my feelings whereas me I was thinking about her throughout.

The amount of time and memory we created how she forgotten about it and goes Kissing random guy.


Is it considered as cheating

What shall I do?

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I am sorry to hear what happened. Your ex seems more conflicted about things than you.


As you were officially broken up, she is free to do whatever she likes with whomever she likes, as long as it is not illegal! People deal with break-ups in different ways - some cry and mourn, others go and find someone else to hug them in order to feel better.


What matters is how you and your ex feel about each other overall and in the long term. A short-term fling does not count when you are broken up. Of course, you may find you cannot discount it and it affects any future relationship - in which case you may have to stay broken up. That is something you need to work through.


She missed you and tried to contact you and wanted you to stay with her until she slept. She relies on you. It does not mean, however, that she is not conflicted about the relationship


I don't think you said why you both broke up. Who initiated it? If she did, then it sounds like she was hurting and seeking comfort. She may still need the break-up, even if she is struggling to cope with it. Even if someone realises they are not compatible with their partner, it is still hard to break up because bonding has taken place. It does not mean it is impossible though, just that there could be some to-ing and fro-ing before things are clarified.


If she broke up with you, I think you should keep your distance and not get involved in comforting her. It will only make the split worse for you. If you both want to make-up and be partners again, then that is different - uncertain, mixed-up emotions during a break-up do not a reconciliation make.

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For whatever reason and only she knows, she took a break from your relationship. She made it official with you but in her mind you were still plan B if things didn't work out after test driving her new boyfriends or just having a bit of fun. Good old reliable but somewhat boring Meercat.


After some fun, she decided it wasn't any better then what she had so she drops back into your universe. She knew you would be there, because you've been begging her to come back. Your behavior allowed her to do exactly as she wanted.


Now she expects you to be happy that she's deemed you worthy of notice again. Rub my feet Meercat.


Take this forward 10 years and two kids later.


She misses her days of freedom as a young single women and wants to find out if she's still desirable. Of course many men will bed any woman with a pulse so she steps out on you with the expectation that you will be there when the fun starts to fade and she needs a safe harbor.


And there you will be with a grateful smile on your face that once again she has decided to come home to you.


and again...…


and again.....


and again.

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Yes you feel cheated on, but this is not cheating.


This is your gf breaking up with you to have fun with another guy then getting back together. She wanted her fun and now wants to be with you again.


You have the ability to stop this type of behavior right now. Kick her out of your life and find a gf that will be true to you.

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This just smacks you with reality is all....that it's really over. I get it everyone is confused...you are asking why, and she thought the grass was greener on the other side. That's normal. She's fooling herself that she's ready to settle down so what she told you is bs. She is having a tough time adjusting to being single again, so she runs back to you. It would be of yours and hers best interest to quit it, and move on.

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