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Weirdly holding hands

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Hey guys,


I'll try to keep it as short as possible. A week ago or so I went out with this girl (that I like and that I think likes me) and a few of her friends. We had a beer (weren't drunk) and then her and one of her friends decided to go home. She and her friend are pretty close so they started like holding hands. The girl I like walked beside me and instead of grabbing my hand she just links arms with me. A few min later, when she unlinked her arm to check her bag, I decide to grab her hand before she could link arms. Now we were holding hands but she wouldn't really tighten the grip? Like I would actually hold her hand tight while she would hold my hand but her fingers wouldn't grab my hand if that makes any sense? So I was like "oh well, I tried" then she had to check her bag again and I assumed well that was that but she grabbed my hand and held it again. But again, really loosely and not as tight as I was holding her hand. (like I wasn't squishing her really tight but like I was normally holding hands). She was holding hand normal (tight) with her friend.


I am just confused why she held my hand so loosely? Like did she enjoy it since she grabbed my hand again after checking her bag?

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I don't know. In the US, you just don't see grown women holding hands with each other who are just friends. At a certain grade school age, girls do it though.


I'm wondering if they were from a culture with different customs because I can imagine that being the case.

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I don't know. In the US, you just don't see grown women holding hands with each other who are just friends. At a certain grade school age, girls do it though.


I'm wondering if they were from a culture with different customs because I can imagine that being the case.


Well we are talking age 19 here. That's not grown imo. I forgot to say that.

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Sometimes "girls" hold hands with each other to be silly. It's not common but it's not completely unheard of.


I think you are overanalyzing what happened. You held her hand. She let go to get something in her bag then she took your hand back. That action -- her affirmatively taking your hand -- is a very positive thing. Sometimes it takes a while to work out the logistics -- pressure, positioning etc. -- of your physical walking contact with an SO. My husband & I had an awkward time of it initially because he'd never engaged in PDA with anyone before. After all these years it's fluid, easy, natural & almost unconscious now. Stop worrying about it.

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I see girls and women holding hands all the time. I see women doing alot of things that I as a man find odd. I dont know that you can read to much into it.

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How do you know she was holding her friend's hand tightly?


I also think you're reading too much into it.


I recently was seated between two friends (one male, one female) of mine I hadn't seen in a very long time at a special reunion. I was so happy to be with them that I grabbed the hands of both and sat holding both like that for awhile. They both glanced down at my hands when I did it because it was a bit of an unusual move, I guess.


But, it was great to connect with them a little closer (physically) than usual as a symbol of my joy in being with them at the event. Many women wouldn't have done that, but some would have. No man that I know of would have done that, though.


I think, in the situation you posted about, chances are great that your gf was just joyful to have her friend along with the two of you! And wanted to express it!

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How do you know she was holding her friend's hand tightly?


I also think you're reading too much into it.


I recently was seated between two friends (one male, one female) of mine I hadn't seen in a very long time at a special reunion. I was so happy to be with them that I grabbed the hands of both and sat holding both like that for awhile. They both glanced down at my hands when I did it because it was a bit of an unusual move, I guess.


But, it was great to connect with them a little closer (physically) than usual as a symbol of my joy in being with them at the event. Many women wouldn't have done that, but some would have. No man that I know of would have done that, though.


I think, in the situation you posted about, chances are great that your gf was just joyful to have her friend along with the two of you! And wanted to express it!


The thing is that this girl is not my girlfriend. I want her to be my girlfriend and we are going on a date this week but I was just wondering why she hold her friends differently than holding my hand if that makes any sense. I know. I am overthinking every little thing... :/

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The only time I have seen this is in the club/bar. Young girls holding hands as they go through the crowd or when they went to the bathroom. I never did it, but it's a thing. But just walking down the street? maybe if they were just s%^&**#$%.

It's very possible they are closer than you think, but are not coming out of the closet as of yet.

Dude if she's not grabbing your hand and holding it tight...she ain't into you. Take it for what it is.

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The thing is that this girl is not my girlfriend. I want her to be my girlfriend and we are going on a date this week but I was just wondering why she hold her friends differently than holding my hand if that makes any sense. I know. I am overthinking every little thing... :/


Are you a guy or a girl?

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19, no girls I knew were holding hands. Just saying.


She could be gay or working towards it.


Ah . .. at 19 my sorority sisters & I would hold hands in silly childish ways all the time. Quite platonic. For everyone's 50th birthday we all traveled to the Caribbean together & at times would be goofy, holding hands, walking arm in arm, squishing into chairs & hammocks together. It was not sexual at all so I'm loathe to ascribe sexual preferences to a teenager out with her friends.

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