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I'm 18, I like girls, but....

Too personal for normal name

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Too personal for normal name

...I, for some reason, have no interest in actual sex. The thought of sex with my girlfriend invokes no reaction, period...the thought of seeing her naked or scantily-clad turns me on, and I get erections while I'm around her (when we're kissing and such), but...


It's not her. It's me; the thought of having sex with Carmen Electra (one of the sexiest women alive IMHO) is every bit as unexciting as the thought of sex with her.


I don't know why I feel this way. How weird is this? Is it as weird as I think it is?

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You're not weird at all. Your body and mind are just giving their energy to other experiences and tasks, I suspect.


There are just many, many reasons you might not be interested in sex. As long as you've not been through some sexual abuse or other trauma I don't believe you've cause to worry.


Your sexual tools are in fine working order, I judge from your post. They'll be there once you decide to call on them.


There is much more to relationships and life than sex. Enjoy your freedom in exploring the "more".

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