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Could I be dealing with a Narcissist...?

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She's not a control freak.

Also sounds like she's on the rebound, not healed from the divorce and ready to love again yet. And you are the rebound guy. Or, she's a little crazy. But rebound people are temporarily crazy. 

I also suspect she is high maintenance. In other words, not the best relationship material. 

Another thing is, because of the damsel in distress way that she approached you, this could be a pity relationship - in other words, more pity than love.

By the way, if she has a stalker ex, that's a major problem she has that adds to her undesirability.

Not introducing you to friends and family is not an issue. That should be done later, you are only in the 5th month of the relationship.


She sure is a handful. Good luck with that!



Edited by Fletch Lives
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