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Married woman at work is very flirty.

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A woman started working in our department last month and we gravitated towards each other almost immediately. She started inviting me out for walks during our lunch break. One particular lunch, we were talking about our backgrounds/upbringings and realized we have a lot common. We also decided to collaborate on a side project that’s starting to really take off.


The good, she’s very playful and flirts a lot. She invited me to come with her to a creative hangout.


The bad. She’s married. When I asked her about it, she called it a “marriage of convenience.”


Last weekend, we went for lunch and she took a sip from my drink and offered me some of hers. Today at lunch, we also shared potato wedges that she had bought, but offered to me. I was drinking a can of ginger ale, and so was she. As we were leaving, she asked if I wanted the rest of her ginger ale. I didn’t even know what to say. So I just smiled and said “I still have some left in mine”, showing her the can.


I’m so incredibly confused.


She waited for me tonight, and we walked out together. I’m starting to feel something for her too, but things are just really all over the place.


Comments, criticisms, suggestions?

Edited by Sm12345
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You should almost certainly keep things platonic. Work affairs are an easy way for both of you to lose your jobs and much more.


Of course you can ignore this advice and start fooling around with a married coworker. If you choose to do this, you had better start training your inner sneaky bastard because you will need it.


A blowfish is fun to say and reportedly quite intoxicating to dine with, but if prepared incorrectly, it very well might leave you dead. There are many fish in the sea, it would be wise to catch one that isn't already on the line of another.

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Ha , she tells ya it's of convenience, they all have a story, wonder what so called convenience that'd be?

Sounds like trouble to me buddy, would't trust her with someone elses .

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Married is still married. If she wants to fool around... then she can get a divorce. Besides... would you really want to try to get a long term relationship with someone who has no problem cheating?



As above... it can be bad with a work affair on more levels than just emotions.

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Yes, my suggestion is steer clear of her. She is MARRIED! You don't want to get mixed up in all that. 'Marriage of convenience' is bs. Don't spend time alone with her anymore.

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This sounds like it's her mode of operation and I wouldn't be surprised if she's been involved in affairs before. She's definitely grooming you and you should keep your distance from her to avoid trouble.

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Depending on what type of man she is married to, you could be looking at a baseball bat in the parking garage one night.

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Emotional affair...and you are in it. Nothing wrong with making a new friend, but when feelings get involved it's time to back away. Cheaters always say their relationship is bad, on it's way out, or just for convenience to make their intentions justifiable. She's luring you into something not so good, and can jeopardize your job. Stop what you are doing.

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  • 3 months later...

My husband had an emotional affair with one of his co-workers. Everyday I wake up, I hope something bad happens to the other woman. Don't be the one to wedge in a marriage.

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On 9/13/2019 at 2:12 AM, Sm12345 said:

Comments, criticisms, suggestions?

Stop encouraging a married woman into having an emotional affair with you.


A "marriage of convenience" from someone who throws herself at male coworkers and acts like she's a single woman and not married... 


If you were her husband, what would you want us to tell the dolt writing in about chasing your wife behind the lies she's telling about her marriage?

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