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How to know if HE'S obsessed with ME?

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This is a totally different situation from my other posts. I was the one who was obsessed with a guy, got over him, and now I am sorta involved with someone else. But this has nothing to do with what I am asking.


There is someone at my job (as these stories usually go) who I had noticed a while ago "notice" me. Please don't get the idea that I am interested in him cuz I am not! Just wanna know something.


Here's just some of the things he does:

-Started almost a year ago that he would stare - and I mean stare!

-He would stop what he's doing as soon as I enter his sight and focus on me.

-He would stand in places where I would be going (like he wanted me to run into him.

-He showed up at many places that I would be at.

-He would wave to me from afar.

-If I avoid him, he follows me and asks questions.

-Asks me lots of questions.

-My friends say he doesn't do this to them or noticed him do it to anyone else

-Always looks at me with "that look" and locks eyes with me.

-Compliments me many times

-just recently, I have been getting many calls to my ext., my caller id shows his ext. is the one who called, and then hanging up after there was a brief silence after I say hello.


So, is he obsessed or just seemingly interested?

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I don't know that he is obessed, but it does sound as if he is interested in you. I think though that if it bothers you, then maybe you need to say something to him. I'm sure you can go about it in a nice way.






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The guy's in love with you. You have to make it clear what you want exactly. If you don't like it, then you need to tell him instead of leaving things hanging. Men don't understand subtle messages; they need to hear things flat out. If you don't, he'll keep wondering and trying.


I've known some girls who freaked out every time it happened, like "oh my god, he's so obsessed with me". When in fact, the poor guy was just trying to get a date and ended up hurt because the girl couldn't care less or freaked out too much about it.

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Huh. Seems to me that if the guy's interested (and I'd say he definitely is), he should be the one to make that clear by, say, asking her out directly rather than hanging around for a year staring at her and planting himself in her path.


Granted, his behavior isn't particularly subtle, but I wouldn't say he's flat out telling her he likes her, either.


Obsessed? I don't know. It does sound a little excessive, considering it's been going on for a year now...

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it kind of does sound pathetic. is he a desperate-type guy?


and why do you care, if you have no interest in him? if it makes you uncomfortable, as it maybe should since you have no feelings for him, then tell him you are unavailable and that he should stop.


otherwise, you are interested and you like the attention, so then what's the problem?

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A similar experience went on with my H and me earlier this year and I came on LS to get some advice. I don't know if it will help you because I don't know if you are interested in the guy or not. If not intereted in the guy, my thread was called VERY ANNOYING.


I'm happy to say, the woman I am talking about doesn't stare as much since my H & I confronted her (in a nice way) but I have caught her once or twice since my last post in May and her look isn't nice, to say the least.

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