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I am very interested in some opinions on this. Could you ever stay with your partner knowing that he/she never wanted to get married? My ex has said this to me before and I brushed it off a little. He was only 24 and never been on his own. I am only 21 so I am not thinking about getting married ANYTIME soon, but he said never. I loved him to death but I think this might be a problem for me. I want to get married someday.


So how do you guys feel about it? Would you wait it out and hope they change their mind or just cut the cord? I cut him loose a few months ago for other reasons, but have been considering going back. This is just weighing heavily on my mind.

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Well, the thing about people is that sometimes they mean what they say and other times they change their minds and it is really hard to figure out which sort you're dealing with.

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What a 24 year old says he'll never do, often changes.


If a 35+ year old said never, he probably will keep that promise.

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