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129 Ways to Get a Husband


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My friend sent me this article this morning. Some of these are so funny! #30 is my favorite: "Learn to paint. Set up easel outside engineering school."


With as funny as these tips are, though, some modern ideas can probably be extrapolated from some of them, for both men and women. Like #34: "Wear a band-aid. People always ask what happened." :p



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'Stumble when you walk into room..'! Where, AA meeting...?


Yes, it does recommend 'Practise your drinking with your women friends first.'


'...learn to scale and clean fish.' That might work here...


'Wear a sweater every third date.' Hmm, 96 degree heat :)


Thanks for that CautiouslyOptimistic :laugh:

Edited by Ellener
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'Stumble when you walk into room..'! Where, AA meeting...?


No, in the beginning of 50 Shades of Grey. I didn't read much further....

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No 17- be friendly to ugly men:D



I suspect the converse of this would work for many men IF they were willing to bite that particular bullet.


One could also adjust slightly to replace "ugly (wo)men" with "reasonably pretty but somewhat overweight single moms" and have themselves a gold mine.

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No 17- be friendly to ugly men:D


No 17- be friendly to weird (but good looking) men will get you just as far. :cool:



I suspect the converse of this would work for many men IF they were willing to bite that particular bullet. One could also adjust slightly to replace "ugly (wo)men" with "reasonably pretty but somewhat overweight single moms" and have themselves a gold mine.


Yeah, not in the least. I've got two reasonably good looking but somewhat overweight single dad friends that can't get **** for dates... so yeah, not a working theory. :rolleyes: They're fine with dating like-for-like but get ****all for attention from similar sitch women.

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Read the obituaries.


Good tip.


Ladies should you ask for Heath records too? You could take that info to an actuary and see how quick you could get his money. Or would that be to forward?

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My exW got a lot of them and she wasn't some super catch, just an ordinary gal.... short list..

1. Liked sex, any time, sincere whether it was good or not.

2. Enjoyed hanging out with the guys

3. No drama, easy to live with, low maintenance

4. Good cook

5. Not dependent, could easily live/be alone, operated her own business for many years


She was essentially continuously married since she was 18 until she divorced me at 50 and has been living with the guy she moved in while we were divorcing for the last ten years. After me I guess she figured 3 was enough. Who knows though maybe they will get married too. I think the main drawback was the stuff she went through when young prevented deep emotional attachments so it was easy to let men go. She talked about that in MC. Still, no problem getting a husband or LTR. H#2 was her pinnacle, solid family well known in the community all the bells and whistles, wanted for seemingly nothing. I met him and his father, great guys. She just couldn't truly 'love' him. Or me. Hopefully she loves the guy she's with now.

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So Mr. Ybor, you are unable to date slightly overweight single moms? They will not accept you as a partner?


I'm not even close to slightly overweight, nor am I a single dad (that's not the least bit compatible with my lifestyle at this point), unlike my aforementioned friends . I've dated slightly overweight women before, though. T H I C C is fine by me. Obese is not. There's a spectrum.

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I totally agree about the spectrum aspect (and I suspect many men do).


I thought you were looking for a longer term relationship. I'm just wondering why you wouldn't "shack up" with a single mom. Dealing with a kid or 2 is not for you or what would stop this from happening?


You say its not compatible with your lifestyle. To me it seems like, if you want a woman better a single mom than no woman. But then again I have kids, so I'm accustomed to dealing with them + I may not want to do the things you like to do.

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But then again I have kids, so I'm accustomed to dealing with them + I may not want to do the things you like to do.


I have a friend who is going back and forth right now with her boyfriend about him moving in with her and her two kids. He's in his fifties, never married, no kids. She can't seem to grasp why he has so much fear about this move because she's "accustomed to dealing with" kids, parenting, etc. and thinks it's no big deal. I think it's a huge deal! (And I'm also a divorced mom with two kids)

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I totally agree about the spectrum aspect (and I suspect many men do).


I thought you were looking for a longer term relationship. I'm just wondering why you wouldn't "shack up" with a single mom. Dealing with a kid or 2 is not for you or what would stop this from happening?


You say its not compatible with your lifestyle. To me it seems like, if you want a woman better a single mom than no woman. But then again I have kids, so I'm accustomed to dealing with them + I may not want to do the things you like to do.


"What a night on the town that was, love... this South Pacific vacation is ****ing great! I love you and this opportunity to explore the world. Let's hit some LSD and lie on the beach, gorgeous! Wait... oh, ****, where are your kids?!" :confused:


See why that doesn't work? :laugh:


Yeah. No. I actually like kids too much for them right now in my life. :cool: In due time.


Do stuff in order.

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See why that doesn't work? :laugh:



Yes, I suppose if you're not interested in "settling down" to the extent that you're avoiding doing things that are inappropriate for kids (such as drug use) then that would make it inappropriate to date single moms.


You said you've been out of a relationship for 7 years? One issue you may be having is that many of the women are interested in families (ala their "bio clocks") but you aren't. So you may be limited to the 20% (that % is totally a guess btw) who know they don't want that.


I'm very different in some ways, having gotten all that stuff completely out of my system as a teen.


Consider: As people, we don't get to make the rules of the game. We are just stuck playing it as best we can. Are you trying to play the game by your own rules but not succeeding? Are you willing to try changing your lifestyle in order to have a LTR now?

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I think it's a huge deal! (And I'm also a divorced mom with two kids)



Yes, you're absolutely right and particularly to someone who's never had them. But then again so is having a LTR. Even if it doesn't work out, if it's more than a few months, it's genuinely a chunk of your life.


If we assume you're going to live to be 75, a 3 year R is 4% of your life and an even higher % of your "good years".


I guess my thought is very very few people get everything they want. If you really want a LTR in your life, you have to be willing to make compromises.

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You could be right about the single Moms Mark, perhaps they have a slightly more tolerant or open minded outlook in terms of finding a new man.


I am getting on really well with a single Mom at the moment, and very happy with her looks too!


Ive had my ups and downs on the ladies front in recent times but certainly hopeful for this one,


her having a child I dont have an issue with that, but the ex-partner maybe does worry me a little,


hmmn would the same lady have been as interested say ten years ago, I guess no point overthinking it!!!:eek:

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Yes, I suppose if you're not interested in "settling down" to the extent that you're avoiding doing things that are inappropriate for kids (such as drug use) then that would make it inappropriate to date single moms.


Hold up, homie. I never said I wasn't interested in settling down. I'm just not interested in being thrust into it overnight. That's the kinda thing you sail into with somebody. Big difference.


The dropping acid on a beach thing is a bit hyperbole, but my point is kids are the murderers of spontaneously. It's fine when you get to a point where you're (both) okay with making that tradeoff.


You said you've been out of a relationship for 7 years? One issue you may be having is that many of the women are interested in families (ala their "bio clocks") but you aren't. So you may be limited to the 20% (that % is totally a guess btw) who know they don't want that.


Like I said above, I said no such thing. I'm open to it. I'm not running around (or posting on my profile) that I'm "childfree 4 lyfe!" or anything similar. I'm open to not having kids as well (most of my girlfriends in thepast weren't interested in it, actually). Could go either way with it, to be honest. People always tell me I'd be a great dad, so I guess there's that, LOL!


I'm very different in some ways, having gotten all that stuff completely out of my system as a teen.


Consider: As people, we don't get to make the rules of the game. We are just stuck playing it as best we can. Are you trying to play the game by your own rules but not succeeding? Are you willing to try changing your lifestyle in order to have a LTR now?


Change to what? A divorcee with two kids? :laugh: Critique my lifestyle all you want, but a lot of it is I've got nothing else to do. I've got my work, I've got my hobbies (music, cooking, design) that between those two things, I spend 80% (at a minimum) of my week on... the rest is getting out and living the single guy lifestyle, with spending some time with my fam thrown in for good measure.


I don't even enjoy it that much half the time. I'm an ambivert that leans introverted. It alright, but I'd rather be on a weekend trip with my girl than at some random bar with my apartment's party crew, but I have to meet her first. That's not going to happen sitting at home by myself... unless online dating starts to actually work. :rolleyes:

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Well fair enough, Mr. Ybor. I guess I just wonder if (on the kids thing) if your "in due time" might be her "sooner rather than later".


At any rate, I suppose that (like anyone) you need to find a woman with similar views, etc. who's a good match. I suspect it's not a "unicorn" either, but maybe a matter of time. You probably won't like this suggestion, but (since there seem to be a lot of positives) I would suggest you consider honing your social skills - specifically how you come across to others. Please take this as a constructive criticism and also note that my only perceptions of you are based on your posting here.

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Let's get this thread back to the topic please, if you need to then start a thread to discuss any off topic tangents rather than muck up the thread starters thread.




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"What a night on the town that was, love... this South Pacific vacation is ****ing great! I love you and this opportunity to explore the world. Let's hit some LSD and lie on the beach, gorgeous! Wait... oh, ****, where are your kids?!" :confused:


See why that doesn't work? :laugh:



It can work, just takes a lot more planning. Can you say shared custody? Many, many a resort or such has child care.


Maybe you need a woman with teenagers, they are more than happy to do their own thing while you trip. :)


Yet, I thought you didn't do anything but alcohol & caffeine, so confused on how this example applies to you.

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It can work, just takes a lot more planning. Can you say shared custody? Many, many a resort or such has child care.


Maybe you need a woman with teenagers, they are more than happy to do their own thing while you trip. :)


Perhaps. I dunno. I've not met any women with kids who've been interested enough in dating me so I could find out. All the women I know around here don't have any either. I'm just not in the social context of the kids thing the vast, vast majority of the time.


I've got a guy friend here with a teenager and she's a complete disruptive inconvenience in his life. Maybe that's a bad example there. :sick: I'm thinking ones who haven't had any yet or aren't interested at all (like I've dated in the past) would be the best for me. A woman with a teenager, and the respective patience, is exactly what my homeboy needs, though! :D



Yet, I thought you didn't do anything but alcohol & caffeine, so confused on how this example applies to you.


I mean on the regular (i.e. I'm not a pot smoker, doesn't mean I haven't ever or wouldn't again). I'm actually trying to drink less in general these days too, just do it up when I have a fun night out or whatever and leave it at that.

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