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I want him back..but I should'nt


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My ex fiancee and I would have been together for 2 years this saturday. Im am completely in love with this man. I have realized it over the amount of the time he has been gone. He moved out of our apartment on Sept 11. After about 9 days he came over after I asked him to, and we talked and decided we wanted to get back together, neither of us felt it was right with us being apart. Neither of us cheated, nothing went that wrong, we let alot of little things rip our relationship to shreads.


We had been talking about breaking up for awhile but we would always reconcile. This time it happened. He left-- I asked him not to go when he was moving his stuff he said he thought we should do this since we had talked about it sooo many times. So he was gone, I e-mailed him and asked him to come back several times all to no avail, he would simply say No, this is what we need to do. Finally, he left a note on my car that we should talk. I was sooo excited and thought for sure we would get back together and he would finally come home. Nope, he wanted to get back together but, wasnt coming home anytime soon. I accepted this offer, that we should take things slow.. and then I ask him about my e-ring about 2 days later. I only wanted to know if he still had it- I didnt want it back on my finger right then. He told me that he had sold it. And said "what does it matter, you didnt want it, you gave it back to me", I was crushed all over again. In that short of amount of time he was able to sell something that meant soo much to me with no reservations of how it would affect me at all. I broke it off again and said that it was unacceptable, that you dont do that to someone you love and care about. I cant even bring myself to throw away a picture of us and he sold my ring.


Any way I am miserable without this man.. I love him and I want him to come home. I want us to be and US again. Like it was in the beginning. I have tried to do the no contact thing but, its hard because we still have to communicate due to the lease, and my car that we co-bought in March. I feel like he doesnt love me at all .. and if he had truly wanted me back that he would have come home. He doesnt call me, if there is any contact I iniate it. He is cold and distant. Im dying inside, and I feel like I should go on with my life and let him go. But, it doesnt feel right. What do I do, put my pride aside, and forgive him for selling the ring and just deal with what ever he wants to give at the present time ( a little of him is better than none) or should I give up and go on. Do you think if I make him think I dont care .. he will long for me like I have for him. Sorry this is sooo long.

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Hummmm, so many things I would like to say. But I guess the best advice I can give you, is to take a step back and really look and see if this relationship is truely what you want.

You say you had been talking about breaking up for a while, but say nothing about trying to fix the problems that were ausing these breakup talks.

I understand you giving him the ring back, I would have done the same thing if it were me, BUT did he sell it out of spite, was he mad when he sold it, did he really sell it or was he just trying to upset you?

Leaving a long realationship isn't easy, (trust me 3 yrs, I was in one). Right now you feel as if the world has ended and you can't live without him, but it gets a little better over time.

What does your heart tell you?

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I just found out that he is seeing someone else already. We did try to work on what went wrong. I wanted him back until now, I guess that shows me how much he really cared for me. When he is already seeing someone else, this soon.

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I'm sorry to hear that... He sounds like a A$$ now.

It will be a hard ride for a little while, but you have your life ahead of you and don't need any of this crap from anybody....

I wish you the best...

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sorry to hear your going through this, its going to be very difficult especially if he is seeing someone, 1st how ever you found out tell the person you want to hear no more.


I know you said nc will be hard due to a few things, try NC unless it has to do with these few things #1 go into for yourself to help yourself through this #2 absence makes the heart grow fonder, if you love it set it free if its truely meant to be it will come back to you. I am a firm believer of that, and if it doesn't your better off without it.


Maybe you two need time apart to actually see what the issuses were to begin with.

Stay strong for yourself, YOU have to......

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