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Consequences for my 13 year old

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I certainly wouldn't of gotten away with this at home and my children certainly know they wouldn't have gotten away with this either . parents need to remain in charge to be able to raise a responsible adult. in my day that was instilled with fear of my father ,their was a method to what now is considered taboo so now we have children like yours that feel they are in charge
Yep, I am 53 I am from the generation that was raised with the fear of their father instilled in them, that's why him and I were never close, that's why I never heard an 'I love you' from him growing up, that's why once adult I picked men that were like him, distant and authoritarian, and it made really bad marriages.


There is a big difference between being a dictator and being a confident and sensitive parent.




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A parent's job is to raise the kid to be an adult. Have to remember kids haven't even fully developed that part of the brain that can predict consequences until in their mid-20s, so you certainly can't expect them to make good decisions about what's good for them. I mean, that is the elemental purpose of having a parent and being a parent.

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