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Would a therapist likely talk me out of my goal?

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Don't recoil from the

or obvious items, rather listen to how people who create content can earn a living on YouTube. Some of the most profitable channels are more about how the story is told rather than the stuff itself and sometimes the story is the stuff, just like film making. You can find plenty of examples of great storytelling but those people aren't sharing the back-end stuff, like how things are produced or how the business stuff is handled. I remember one kids telling stories about his frisbee golf (IIRC) and that morphed into one of the most watched tech channels on YouTube and now he interviews people like Elon Musk at the Tesla factory. A kid with a hobby and an idea and a gift for story-telling. You can task your therapist to clarify those images in your mind, what you want to do and how you want to do it. If everything seems a jumbled blur, a good therapist can create a lens to see more clearly through. After awhile, the tools you learn will be used unconsciously and become part of your life.


Here's one I remember from MC ..... focus on one success a day. It's OK if other stuff goes to shyte, that day had a success. You choose what the goal is you want to succeed at that day, then go. Each day is a new day and a new success.

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Okay I can try to look at it that way. I suppose I could get co-producers, I was just planning on if none were interested, and worst comes to worst.

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