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Feeling very inadequate


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I don’t know what it is. I feel like I’m a failure. I feel like a reject. I don’t feel like I’m good enough for anyone or anything. I feel like everyone has passed my by in life, and I’m still where I was 10 years ago. No change. I do the same thing everyday. There is never anything new or fun. I’m always tired. I’m tired of dealing with the same day over and over like groundhogs day.


I’m just tired.

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Hey OP,


Saw your post in the other thread and then went back and read some of your other threads. I'm sorry you're feeling this way. Can you isolate your feelings? What triggers them? What are you feeling?


It's easy to look at others, especially with technology today, and compare ourselves. We don't see the struggles it took to do x though. We don't see the fights between the "happy and cute" couple. We don't know how many tears a parent shed trying to solve a problem their child is having. When you catch yourself feeling x,y, or z you need to stop to remind yourself why you feel that way and come up with some affirmation statements to help you understand that you are better then you think you are. No one is on your journey in life. For every success you see - whether it's in parenting, dating, career wise, there's either a lucky break, hard work, and/or a lot of tears. No one's life is perfect and most people don't have lives that follow the hollywood perception of "a great life".


I'm also sorry to hear that you tried therapy and it didn't work. Have you thought about trying again - maybe talking with some therapists and doing some research to see if there's someone you can use who would click with you more? And someone who's actually interested in their work and not using it as a catalyst for something "bigger and better" - cause like any other profession, just because you are shrink doesn't mean you're good at your job (which should be helping people get better). For me, I've come to realize that because I was threatened with abandonment as a child and had low self-esteem, I've chosen bad partners as I get to 3,6, 12 months and can't force myself to admit my needs aren't being met and I'm not happy, and I am concerned about being the "good guy" and I've also chosen women who weren't emotionally mature or happy and so they don't give much back in return to me.


Keep on posting! And keep on talking!!!

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I do the same things. It's emotional thinking not based on logic.


Try making a list of the changes in your life. Something has to be different since 10 years ago:


You read new books, saw new movies, traveled, gotten a new car, whatever. Just start listing the changes so you can see change. Then you will realize that some of those changes represent progress. Go ahead a build on those successes.


Heck, I skipped an industry event 2 weeks ago out of self doubt because I didn't feel like I fit in or belonged there. Yesterday I randomly bumped into an industry leader while I was out. She commented on my absence from the event. I was shocked she noticed. She made a point to invite me to the next event & asked that I sit with her. So you never know who is out there paying attention.

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Sorry you're feeling this way. What you're describing sounds like depression to me. Can't summon any interest/excitement for hardly anything? Can't seem to break out of the inertia? Many of us have been there.


This might be a time when you just need some inspiration and motivation....or it could be a plateau that you've reached. BTDT...plateau's really suck! Maybe you just are not getting enough encouragement in your life from the right people in the right way...These are just a few ideas....and here's something very basic:


Do something nice for yourself each and every day. Evan if it's just something simple, like take a long shower. Pamper yourself. You'll feel better if you do.

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I agree, you are depressed. Did your therapist ever bring up that possibility?


Google it and you'll probably identify closely with the symptoms. You will also find tips that might help you.


I've mentioned this before here on LS, I take supplements to help me with depressive moods (sadness, lack of motivation, lack of interest in hobbies I usually love, desire to stay home instead of going out socially). 5HTP, Ashwaganda and Saffron help me. But if your depression is deeper and sustained you might consider a prescription. I would discuss that with your GP or therapist if you are still seeing one.

Edited by Finding my way
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Well, MH, you HAVE been stuck for the last 10 years, but as long as you unstick yourself now and start living your life again, I wouldn't say you are a failure. You need to kick it into high gear and find a new way of life, that's all.


How's the therapy going?

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