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Nicest / sweetest compliment you've ever received from the opposite sex

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I've had two that stand out for me. First was by a good friend of my sisters I've known since we were kids. Growing up she always slept in my bedroom because my sister only had a twin bed and I had two beds in my room.


When I was 20 and she was 19 (we were in a different house) I slept next to her in a Trundle bed. We were watching TV in bed and I said do you want to fool around? She said, I can't because she was having her period. I said well we could do other things besides intercourse and she said for me to go to sleep.


A little while later she said out of the blue (that) "you never know, we could end up getting married someday." Very sweet rejection I thought at the time. We never did fool around, but I did see her naked in the shower once, but that's another story. Very hot looking girl and still looks good at 63. Looked like the porn star Kylie Ireland if anyone remembers her.


The other was after I was married and I was dancing with a girl who was part of the social circle of our softball league. After dancing she grabbed my arm and leaned in and said, "why are all the good ones already taken?"

Edited by Piddy
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The nicest compliment I got from a man was about my personality. He said I had that aura that pulled people toward me, when I spoke to people I made them feel like the center of my attention and that is why people tend to lean toward me when I speak, they don't want to miss a moment of my softness. That compliment was high above all the sexy-gorgeous-pretty compliments I could get in a life time.

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One that sticks out is a woman I was attempting to flirt with, but who had sort of rebuffed me for a while. Eventually, after I saw her staring at me out the window the day before as I left the facility, she said "It's alright, I don't mind." It wasn't what she said but the tone of her (extremely sexy) voice. For some reason, it made me feel a bit giddy. That was the start of my EA.

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22 years ago in the summer of 1997 I was dating a nurse called Mary. She was the most sexual woman I have ever encountered.


anyways I randomly asked her if I could bring another woman into our bedroom (assuming she would laugh and say NO)…


she actually said "yes, i'd love to share you with another woman but she has to be good looking" :laugh:

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I've been told for at least the last 25 years that I smell good.Lol!!! Mostly by men, however, by women as well, and complete strangers.Nice compliment though and appreciated.

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Decades ago, a guy I wasn't dating told me I was like a beautiful piece of furniture, and he was referring to antiques. I love my antiques, so I thought it was a great compliment.

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the first compliment that immediately jumps to my mind that si stored in my heart to recap when i feel bad is not from the opposite sex its from my mum....when she told me that she was proud of me because i am a good person....



a male teacher once told me i can be anything i want to be do anything i want to do and to never listen to people .... who tell me i cant or put me down....that piece of advice made me and still to this day can make me feel stronger when facing adversity.. ..so i class that piece of advice ... as a compliment i am willing to accept and appreciate....deb

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I've had many sweet complements over the years...so I'll go with the most recent one:


There was a man at church (a few years younger than me)...I've known him since adolescence...he's happily married to an awesome person with 4 awesome kids...so he probably felt "safe" giving me a complement. He's independently wealthy too...but not snooty....


Anyways after church he walked up to me and said, "It's a little intimidating sitting near you when we sing. You're such a good singer"...That kind of took me by surprise, and I said, "You can sing! I've heard you sing and you're a good singer." Anyways...it was a sweet compliment and he is a very nice man.

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It's been quite some time but the last one I remember was being grabbed by the arm by a woman only to be told that, 'You have the most beautiful eyes.' I thanked her but was I was stunned but not entirely surprised that she'd actually go as far as grab me instead of just saying it.

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It's been quite some time but the last one I remember was being grabbed by the arm by a woman only to be told that, 'You have the most beautiful eyes.' I thanked her but was I was stunned but not entirely surprised that she'd actually go as far as grab me instead of just saying it.


dude, she wanted you, women rarely do **** like that

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I don't usually get sweet compliments from guys, since most tend to just hit on me or they see me as threatening or not attractive enough to bother with. My husband often grabs me and cuddles me. I remember once he specifically told me "I thought you were cute when we first met, and I still think you're adorable." :love:

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Not really a said thing more well , a moment, l dunno, but it'll always be with me.

Unfortunately we just couldn't find ways over the obstacles and never worked out. But l know we'll always be with each other and her reaction to a small portrait l painted of her.

lt was a sorta goodbye l'll never forget you but l was amazed how beautiful she looked in the portrait, l couldn't even believe it came out the way it did, l dunno what happened, it just did.

She just cried and went all little girlie and said things like nobodies ever done something like that and just things, it was moreso her reaction.

l know she'll treasure it for life and what l tried to do and say.

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Not really a said thing more well , a moment, l dunno, but it'll always be with me.

Unfortunately we just couldn't find ways over the obstacles and never worked out. But l know we'll always be with each other and her reaction to a small portrait l painted of her.

lt was a sorta goodbye l'll never forget you but l was amazed how beautiful she looked in the portrait, l couldn't even believe it came out the way it did, l dunno what happened, it just did.

She just cried and went all little girlie and said things like nobodies ever done something like that and just things, it was moreso her reaction.

l know she'll treasure it for life and what l tried to do and say.



thank you for sharing this... it is really a touching and beautiful moment and a pleasure to read.....deb

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I don't usually get sweet compliments from guys, since most tend to just hit on me or they see me as threatening or not attractive enough to bother with. My husband often grabs me and cuddles me. I remember once he specifically told me "I thought you were cute when we first met, and I still think you're adorable." :love:


awww what a nice story m_m

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That I always smell good .


I wish I would get a compliment on my personality. Like my ex said, “all looks but that’s about it”.

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My present girlfriend calls me her "hombre dulce y guapo"- sweet and handsome man,


its probably as good of compliment as Ive ever got from a woman,


not sure if Im the marrying type, but if I am too, it will probably be this one.

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dude, she wanted you, women rarely do **** like that


She's a bit of a nut but absolutely anything is possible.

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Ruby Slippers

I've been the lucky recipient of a lot of love from great men in my life. It's hard to narrow it down to just one.


But the first one that comes to mind is my first love, my 17-year-old high school sweetheart, playing piano and singing at the talent show in front of the whole high school, dedicating to me his rendition of Joe Cocker's "

." For me, he forever owned that song from that moment :love:
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2.50 a gallon

I had known her since the 5th grade. I wasn't shy around her and we talked as friends. In the 8th grade I developed a crush on her but never told her as she had eyes for some one else.

We went to the same high school and I began dating some one else, one spring day during lunch she and her friend came over and sat with me and we caught up on our lives. As it was time to go back to class she got up and reached out and ran her fingers thru my hair telling me how much she loved my blonde hair and blue eyes.

That summer my hair color changed to an ugly brown and I came down with a terrible case of acne. We never did date.

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Kitty Tantrum

This evening my fiancé was telling me a story about someone who came into the shop today - not a customer, but a regular around town. This guy has a lot of money, apparently. They talked about cars and business and development within the city, then said goodbye and he closed up the shop and headed home.


I wasn't really sure where the story was going, but then he went on to say that he saw the same guy sitting in one of the local restaurants that he said he'd been meaning to try... alone. And it struck him that this guy has tons of money, but nobody to share his life with. And he said that made him realize how lucky he is to have me to come home to. I just about started crying. Nobody has ever appreciated me the way he does. :love:

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I've never thought about this before, OP. But feel I've received a lot of nice compliments from the opposite sex (men) over the years. When I was younger I had pretty low self esteem, and I have a hard time accepting compliments internally though I do just say "thank you" even if it's hard to truly accept it in my head. I used to be really overweight in the early 2000s (but am petite now, though still feel big).


My current partner has given me many compliments. They range from the physical ("you have gorgeous hair," "you have perfect eyebrows," and "you are in such good shape" to things like "I like how intelligent you are," "I'm got lucky when I met you" and "I love that you have ambition."). My ex-husband told me yesterday when we were talking about our son at dropoff time, and I took my hair out of a ponytail absentmindedly while we were talking, "you have really beautiful hair, grey." totally unexpected, inappropriate (and also nice - I'm grateful we don't hate each other).


My current partner said to me a couple of weekends ago, when we were chatting about our finances, "Having you as a girlfriend makes me feel rich." That is one of the nicest compliments I have ever received. I'm really lucky to have met him. Not because of the compliments but they are reflective of how well we get along, and our consciousness about not taking each other for granted. We were really lucky to have met each other and have it work so well between us (emotionally, intellectually, sexually, values, goals and general compatibility). If it ever ends, which I hope it doesn't, I might just not seek another partner and stay single because it doesn't get better than this.

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Not sure this is a compliment but it ranks with me, anyway.


When my beautiful (handsome!) eight-year-old grandson gets his face about a foot from mine and says, looking straight into my eyes with his enormous blue ones, long eyelashes and smiling his huge great smile, "I love you, Grammy!" The part that makes it so wonderful is that he never breaks his gaze and his smile never wavers! I finally look away because, well, you can't stare into someone's eyes all day long!


He knows how to lay it on thick! LOL!


And when another grandchild (who lives hundreds of miles from me) texts me every morning when she wakes up, "Good morning, Grammy!"


And when another one leaves a sweet message for me on my blackboard every time she visits.


And another one steals his mom's phone and sends me a cartoon of himself telling me what he's been up to and that he loves me.


And the littlest one (who's way too big for this now), an almost hyperactive child, takes every opportunity to curl up into an almost fetal position on my lap and snuggle quietly for as long as possible.


Crazy to me how the wonderful things my grandkids and kids say to me surpass the accolades and what seem to me to be extreme, over-the-top compliments I've ever received in my life.

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I don't get that many but I did get another one today. I was called 'good looking' and I haven't heard or been given that compliment in quite some time. Hell, I was working. I should have looked like an absolute mess, but apparently not.

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I've gotten many on my smile:

your smile lights up the room, your smile is contagious


I think these are great.


I have a weird thing going on at the moment with an OLD match who I haven't yet met since he is on a really long work trip - but we've been talking / texting in the meanwhile.


He told me that he likes me because I am brilliant, I know a little bit of something about everything and always learning which makes me fascinating to talk to.


Pretty much the best compliment ever! I love being complimented on and appreciated for my brain!

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