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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Fibromyalgia

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Anybody recovered or know of anyone who has recovered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia?


If so, can you share recovery stories and tips?


Please no negativity.


I believe that the manifestations of both of these illnesses are rooted in the brain and its dysfunction, and I believe that an overload of stress leads to the dysfunctioning of the nervous system.

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CF has often been misdiagnosed. Many times it is really due to one of the tick-borne infections, such as Lyme disease. If you are suffering from this, get tested for such illnesses. They are difficult to treat, but some can be successfully treated with intense intravenous antibiotic therapy.

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Recovered no but minimized to the point where they no longer interfere with life yes. Reducing stress is a big component but so are diet, exercise & getting enough sleep.


Best wishes. These are not fun things to deal with

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Ruby Slippers
I believe that the manifestations of both of these illnesses are rooted in the brain and its dysfunction, and I believe that an overload of stress leads to the dysfunctioning of the nervous system.

I agree. Mind-body research is showing more and more than a great deal of physical ailments are rooted in mental and emotional dis-ease. In other words, negative thinking and, well, wallowing, make sometimes minor physical issues seem and feel much worse than they really are.


I myself used to struggle with chronic back pain, but after reading up on the mind-body connection and adapting mostly my ways of thinking and hence feeling, I cured my own back problems, which at times in the past had been debilitating. This is the best book I read on the subject.


I'd be willing to bet a lot of money that at least half of ongoing physical maladies could be significantly reduced if not eliminated with good counseling and emotional support.

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Recovered, no, but I suffer from these myself.


I pay no attention whatsoever to those who suggest it is all in the mind or that people are 'wallowing in it' somehow. Anyone who thinks people are making these things up does not have experience or understanding of these conditions.


Some malfunction in the pain signalling pathway seems to amplify pain in people with fibromyalgia. The tiniest thing can be painful - I found a cool breeze was so uncomfortable that I stopped going out for a while unless I absolutely had to.


There is recent research which seems to show that brain inflammation could be responsible for many problems that affect the brain, from depression to pain. Researchers are looking at whether anti-inflammatories might be a depression treatment of the future.


There is also research that shows that inflammation in the brain appears to be triggered by constant stress. In that sense, there might be a relationship between these illnesses and emotional states but not of the kind people often assume. Sciencedaily has abstracts and summaries of the latest research in all kinds of fields for those interested and you do not need to be a member or have a password to read these.


I have found Venlafaxine helps with the pain of fibromyalgia and makes me feel a bit better generally. However, it does have demoralising side-effects: sexual and affective problems (one tends to feel the same all the time with little inspiration or joy). It is the lesser of two evils for me. I would be in constant pain otherwise.


I hope you find a solution or that the researchers come up with some help in the near future.

Edited by spiderowl
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