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What kind of letter should I write to a famous man I had an affair with?

DOn't want to scare him off.

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DOn't want to scare him off.

I am in love with a famous classical musician I had an affair with a while back. We have kept in touch sporadically, but I never really showed him my "true" colors because I didn't want him to think I was in love, or too serious. He always tells me he is going to find time to meet me, call, but it hasn't worked out yet. Even when I said to him that if he didn't want me to call, to tell me and I would forget about him, but he keeps insisting that he is interested.


Last week I found out just by chance that he had a concert in New York and I got the hotel number from the orchestra.


I called way too early in the morning and woke him up, didn't realize that he had a concert that evening. He told me he couldn't talk right now, and told me "Another time."


I want to write a letter explaining myself and my hurt because it is unfair for me if I have no idea when to call if he doesn't tell me what is a good time, and when I do its at the wrong time. I don't want to sound too emotional though because it could scare him. Isn't it about time I wrote from my true heart? because this game could go on forever! At least if I am honest and ready for possible "rejection" I can move on with my life.

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I am in love with a famous classical musician I had an affair with a while back. We have kept in touch sporadically, but I never really showed him my "true" colors because I didn't want him to think I was in love, or too serious. He always tells me he is going to find time to meet me, call, but it hasn't worked out yet. Even when I said to him that if he didn't want me to call, to tell me and I would forget about him, but he keeps insisting that he is interested.


Last week I found out just by chance that he had a concert in New York and I got the hotel number from the orchestra. I called way too early in the morning and woke him up, didn't realize that he had a concert that evening. He told me he couldn't talk right now, and told me "Another time." I want to write a letter explaining myself and my hurt because it is unfair for me if I have no idea when to call if he doesn't tell me what is a good time, and when I do its at the wrong time. I don't want to sound too emotional though because it could scare him. Isn't it about time I wrote from my true heart? because this game could go on forever! At least if I am honest and ready for possible "rejection" I can move on with my life. Firstly, granted that a person with a famous profile may be committed to his professional life's demands, but rather than look at that, you must be brave enough to look closely at this man's true character, and not just his outward 'talents'...it is absolutely normal and understandable to be swept away with the euphoria of being associated with a 'famous' peson, whatever shape that may take. You are expressing though a realisation of your own importance and self worth as a person, which is good to hear. Perhaps, and I might be wrong, when you rang 'early' one morning, could it have been that he may have had 'other' company beside him? Being woke up early is one thing, even if he did have another engagement that day, but only you can intuitively discern for yourselt, if he reacted that way because he was 'caught in an awkward moment' or is it because he not a 'happy chappy' in general if he is the kind that needs adequate sleep or else he wakes up like a bear with a sore head..? IN ANY CASE, I have a very strong feeling that this man may not be as sincere as you would like him to be.....One of my favourite proverbs in the Bible, is ...when a person is under pressure, the truenss of their character will surface'. If you feel you need to once and for all confront this man and have him explain to you his true intentions of how he sees you and him, relationship, wise, you may as you said not hear what you would like to, but you deserve his honesty. Peoples emotions are certainly not designed to be played with at another's convenience! A true gentleman, irrespective of their fame or fotune, rich or poor, will always treat others with the same respect and esteem they show toward theirselves... I wish you well...bethbonnie from Australia..xx


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