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I wana speak my heart out to her

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Hi guys I have a friend. she stays like two hrs from my place.But i hardly get to see her.We are in constant touch over the phone. Recently I have started having feelings for her and thinking abt her all the time.I know she likes me but maybe not the same way as i do She is visiting me in the nxt two weeks. I wana break the ice and speak my heart out and tell her that I love her. She is single. I need advice as I am not sure how to go ahead and confess her my feelings, at the same time i dont wana stain our friendship.shld i tell her my feelings when she is here or after she goes back home?Has any1 been in a similar situation before. what did u do? plz help

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you do run the risk of scaring her off.


make sure you really want to tell her before you do. give it some time and some serious thought.

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You can't actually be in love with her and so if you tell her you are, you'll freak her out. People need to spend a lot of time together to really fall in love. Anything else is infatuation and likely not to last. So take it slowly and save the big confessions for some months after you start dating exclusively, if you get to that.

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