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The count down for the disaster??

only 5 days

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only 5 days

Hi, sorry for my englisch,


we break up some weeks ago with my 4jbf.


since last week we start to be together, without talking about it. i'm just wondering, because he knows someone right now, and they have a good contact, she is very hot to see him for next weekenend, and he wants to go to her next week, she lives about 6hours drive.


So i have only 5 days for everything????


He told me he knows somewone,


but he didn't told me, that he is going to meet her, i just found out by my way. i don't understand what it means. Does he wants to cheat on me??


or he wants to be sure with the other lady, before he stops completely with me?? Or what is that. How can i deal that, shall i stop him visting her, telling that i know what is going behind me or what i realy don't know.


i'm not a girl, that lets the men foolische me, but right now i don't know how to react. i let him go, he is the one who came back to me.

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If he is trying to get back with you but is going to see another lady in a few days, that is definitely cheating.


You have posted about this before. This is a guy you must get away from. You do not deserve to be put through this kind of pain.


If I were you, I would tell him you have learned about his future visit with this lady and ask him what it is all about and what his intentions are with her. Also, tell him if he wants to remain in your life he should cancel the trip to see her.


Don't put up with this. Don't let this man walk all over you.

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only 5 days

you know i could have tell him, but i want to follow up, and let him go, if he real does, after he came , i'll tell him, or i want to wait, maybe he will tell me before he go to her. I don't want to distrub him, if he wants to meet, he can, for me it is like he doesn't know, that i know, but i'll see what he decides. but i don't want to be the reasen, that he didn't went to her. i don't want him to regret. that is his life, but i'm asking why he is now with me. is it just love with ex-girl or what.


Don't u think so that i live him with his dicesion. Please advise me, why did he have intact contact with her.

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If he is living with you and has a committment with you, there is no reason for him to be sneaking, without your knowledge, and going to see another woman.


You are being much too nice about this. If he actually goes and sees this other lady, you are crazy if you stay with him. This is an indication that he is looking for another relationship.


You deserve someone who will be loyal to you.

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