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Shes still friends with her ex

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Im going to be married shortly and I just found out my fiance is still friends with her ex. I belive her that theres nothing going on, he does live far away from her now, she has always been honest but this is nagging me. I spoke to her and she said all that happens is once in awhile they say hi, whats up. I have had 4 bad experiances in the past with ex gf's keeping in contact with their ex. Im deeply in love with my fiance. any advice on how to handle this?



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I don't think you're overreacting. You should sit her down and have a serious talk about this and just honestly speak your heart on the matter.


Alot of people (including myself) struggle with this issue and my personal opinion on the matter is that it can only lead to trouble. Let's face it - they used to bump uglies and what can this guy offer her in terms of friendship that another cannot?


I think you know that you're being reasonable, but you're afraid to cause an argument over this. Don't fret. If she loves you the same as you love her, then she will do anything to take this worry from your mind. If not, then hasta la vista.

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I don't think you are being unreasonable at all about not wanting your fiance to be friends with her ex. I would feel the same way. You should talk to her without sounding insecure. I have to talk to my ex because we have a son together, but if I didn't have to I certainly wouldn't. If they don't have a child together, I don't understand why they would want to stay in contact.

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Do NOT marry her until you get this issue resolved.


You are correct that when the ex is still involved then there are problems. Problems that can end your relationship. Better now to step back and find out what is going on then to marry and regret it !

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Both my b/f and I are friendly with most of our exes - not really sure why this should be an issue.


Key to any relationship is trust - if you trust your fiance, then why is this an issue for you?


If you don't trust her then I agree, don't proceed forward with the marriage until you do.

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