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So bummed...


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Huge crush on a girl at my university.


Today was my chance. She comes over asking a group of us for gum. She said she wanted gum really bad and nobody had any.


I did! Upstairs in my dorm. A short walk. I said oh I have gum lets go up and get it. She said oh no thats okay. I said oh no really its super minty gum. She said no again. I tripled down.. are you sure? Comg on lets run up there quick.. a third no.


Devestated. Thats the only word I have for you. It wasnt about the gum obviously. It was the short walk, friensly gesture, and getting to talk privately. She rejected me.


I cried today.

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Bummer - but, you are young and there WILL be other girls. At some point all this will just be a distant memory and you will have happiness in your life for you to focus on. What do you do if she's really not interested? Move on...

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Well, at least you didn't waste a bunch of time on her. And on the plus side, you're at a campus where you're surrounded by hundreds of good looking women.


One little tip, though. Pay attention to the women who come up and talk to you and voluntarily chat with you and smile at you and you'll have much better success than watching the dream girl from afar -- because guess what? The dream girl is usually going to have her eye on a dream guy.


So pay attention to the girls that come around you and are friendly and ask one of them out. Those are the ones that like you most.

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Asking her to go with you to your room for any reason was asking a lot of a woman you've never been on a date with. Many girls understandably are not going to feel safe going to the room or apartment of a guy they don't know.


And since asking a woman to go to your place is sometimes a euphemism for suggesting physical favors it's probably best not to do that again unless you have an established relationship with a woman and she knows she can trust you.

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Lordy lordy...I give the girl in question credit for doing something more safe and respectable. Safe because many girls have it drilled into their heads not to be alone with a stranger in a stranger's house or apt. or dorm room...that's just asking for trouble. So, she's cautious and maybe she has every right to be cautious. There are a lot of sexual predators in this world and yes many of them are on or near college campuses. Lordy...some of things I did would have turned my dad's hair gray overnight! I would NOT recommend young girls do some of the naïve things I did....

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