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Re: for blue bear

only 5 days

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only 5 days
Hi Thank you


Do u think, that i have to tell him that i know his plan and that he wants to go to her next week or it is better not to tell. You know i didn't even sen e-mail or call or nag him after he brake up. i think that is why he came back. but the question is should i have to tell him that i know or live it.


thank you for your answer, it helps

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The post from blue bear, to which the above post responds, has been removed because it contained a link to a site containing lewd pornography.


The link was placed in a response as if it were meant to supply additional information about the problem being addressed.

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How about this being your last little advice on the same subject you write about. GET OUT OF THE RELATIONSHIP! That was pretty easy, now get it through your head. Why should Tony and everyone that has tried to help keep repeating themselves. Find something better to do with your time, like learn english all the way or find a better man for you.

Do u think, that i have to tell him that i know his plan and that he wants to go to her next week or it is better not to tell. You know i didn't even sen e-mail or call or nag him after he brake up. i think that is why he came back. but the question is should i have to tell him that i know or live it. thank you for your answer, it helps
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hi someone, i didn't write this message for you, such stupid person like you, doesn't belong to the discussion.


it is above your capacity, so what about if you just find a low niveau discussion, that just fits for you. This home page is for the people who wants and have a need to help other people. someone like you kills the forum, so please go to hell... find your place somewhere else. i think i have the right to express my feeling, if someone answers it is od, if not ......


but i feel so sorry, why such people like you ....??? long, they are mostly people, who just have the potential to make people sad, they can't make somebody happy. They don't feel what the others feel. i hope u learn from your mistake.

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