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She Got Married

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- Hi Everyone


I haven't posted on this site in quite some time, nor did I ever really post on it to begin with. I want to tell my story the best way I can though, truthfully and the best I can. I find it cathartic to write out what venture my life has taken up to this point, and I'd like you (the one reading this), to listen.


Back in 2014 I met the love of my life, I still think of her as that. To understand how I met her is to give you a little personal information about myself. I am a recovering drug addict, and by no stretch of the imagination was I ready for a relationship when I met her, but I did. I saw her looking at me from down the hall of the rehab we were both admitted to. She had already been there for a week (party girl drugs for the most part), and I was there on my third stint going into rehab. She came up to me and I averted my eyes in a different direction. I heard her voice.

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Congratulations on recovery!


Sorry she got married and it didn't really happen between you. I'm sure you realize better than anyone that you were both in no state to be mating up for life, though. Now that you are recovered (I hope still), you have a much better chance of success finding the right person and making it work. Good luck.

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