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How can I recommend a drug for my friend's cancer treatment without it sounding bad?

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If this drug is currently in clinical trials and shows promise but is not yet FDA approved, you could consider researching if there is a compassionate use program from the company that makes it.


FYI, my understanding is compassionate use is normally limited to terminal diagnosis patients so that's something to be aware of.

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If this drug is currently in clinical trials and shows promise but is not yet FDA approved, you could consider researching if there is a compassionate use program from the company that makes it.


I would think a doctor would have to do that, like the head of Oncology at the hospital. Somehow I don't think ironpony is qualified to make requests of the FDA :laugh:

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No doubt true, which is why I said he could research whether there is a compassionate program. I was thinking he could contact the drug company that makes it and see what they say/if they have one.

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There is a reason the FDA does not want people selling DCA in the US as a cure for cancer. As a physician myself I can testify that my colleagues are fighting hard for more cures to the gazillion different kinds of cancer.




There are only little studies such as this one:




So if you really want to know the oncologist's opinion on this one bring your readings to the oncologist's appointment. Do not give medical advice to your friend.

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If you wants to help your friend, ask them what they need that you could provide. It could be company, a liste listening ear, help with chores, or just to pick them a tub of ben and jerry’s.

It is never medical advice, possibly helpful treatment you heard about from a friend who got it from who the hell knows.

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