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Hanging out/dating/mixed signals

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Ok, This past week my guy friend and I were talking online and we were just talking, and then I mentioned saying "do you miss hanging out with all of us?" (meaning his friends and mine). He said, "yes". What really surprised me was that he texted me the next day when I got out of class, and asked if I had eaten yet and if i wanted to get something to eat with him? Of course I said sure, and so we met up and had lunch. We talked the whole time which is kind of surprising to me cause when I'm online with the guy I don't talk much with him (maybe i get bored idk), but just now i like talking to him more. But, i have to wonder Did he ask me out on that date or was it just to "hang out" again? Our other friends well they moved to other places, so basically it's just Me and Him. We tend to continue talking incessantly.


He had asked me over to his house last year to hang out and he even made me french toast, and his sister came in saying that he never did that unless it was someone special. I was really flattered. Then when we all hung

out at main event, he sat next to me and put his head on

my shoulder. We kissed in the parking lot for a long time, umm he swung me in the air when we got to my house. He stayed with me at my house up in Houston while my parents were here in Fort Worth. We went bowling, and

watched movies. I buried my head in his shirt cause we were watching Gladiator and he started putting his arm around me, but hesistated, and then when i got up to check my email, its like he scooted over cause when i came back to sit next to him on the couch, we were closer than before.

We spend a lot of time together just playing video games, catching up on stuff.


It was back it was like january, and him and I were talking and then I said, "Was there ever a point in time you liked me?" get this this is the STRANGE and Confusing part: I saw him typing out a message because you have a preference to see if your friend is typing, well anyway it was 3 MINUTES later that it took him to say a simple sentence like this one: I like you as a friend". I Mean HELLO, if you DON'T Like someone as more, guys/girls would automatically say that in like 3 seconds flat. But 3 MINUTES? I don't know, it's just he and i flirt a lot even online, which is pretty strange. Everytime we see each other we hug for the longest time, and he rubs my back and well i don't know if he is giving me signals or not, but it's just crazy. And then like a few weeks back, we were talking again online and we had talked for maybe 3 hours and then I said, "Well i better get going i have to head to the DPS." I thought that was the end of the conversation, but turns out, he said, "oh ok. Why you goin?" Did he sound disappointed that i was ending the conversation so early?" So I stayed and we talked for another 2 hours.


He practically invited himself over to my new apt cuz he hadn't seen it yet, and everytime we see other we're just so flirty, like we went to best buy he sort of playfully pushed me twice, i did the same.


He's taking a web design class and says that he wants me to help him with a web site project cause i am into web design. I was like, "Wow, he's doing that?" COOL...is that a sign or not? he's always been into computers, like everytime we talk he is usually playing video games. That is his specialty.


This guy is so nice, cute, fun to be with...problem is he smokes. BUT, he asks first off when he is around me, if he can smoke? I don't want to be rude and say No. I don't mind if he does, i've kissed him twice, and so it doesn't really bother me. But, he's the kind of guy who will always be there for you, to listen, to provide feedback,and is protective. He already said that he is bad for me, and I know it too. Just from all these little things he does for me and from what my friends say, we both secretly like each other, but don't want to ruin the friendship. We always make eye contact when talking, and everytime I see him we hug for a long time, and smile. Sometimes we let our hands linger behind each other's back or waist or w/e. Oh and he talks a lot. Oh and when I talk about other guys, then how come if this guy likes me he is pushing me to hang out with other guys, and get to know them better?


Sorry it's long, but I guess my questions are, Are we just hanging out and having fun, or are we like sort of casually dating but not calling it a date cause we aren't sure whether the other one likes each other or not?


Does he want me to hang with other guys, or is it a test to see if he thinks I will spend more time with them than him?



If anyone can help me out with these questions, I would appreciate it greatly, Thanks


- Collegegirl confused

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wow, you got me here girl. I dunno, it all sounds a little weird.. the things he did. Does he ever date. Did he ever have a g/f before? Know what I'm askin'? .... uhm... <cough>.... you sure he's straight?

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Frustrated 38

I'm in almost the exact same situation. I'm still going through it. I advise that you just tell him the way you feel. Better to know the truth then wondering this and that.

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