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Does he want me back or not?

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This guy that I dated for 5 months, we broke up about 2 months ago. We were friends for about 5 months before we started dating so we had a good friendship beforehand. After he broke up with me saying that he did not feel anthing else than friends - well things were tough as far as hanging out, but now we are back to hanging out again a lot.


I also started dating someone else about a week ago and he found out about it as some mutual friends spotted me on my date and immediately told him which resulted in phone call from him in the middle of my date. Ever since then he has been acting kind of odd and somewhat stand off-ish, but then he seemed to come back around. I can tell that he is jealous as I saw him get jealous when we are dating and he always has the same look on his face an I am seeing this look again and again lately.


I really do want him back - we are best friends - we get along perfectly in every way - what else could you ask for in a relationship?


I don't know what I should do or say? If anyone has any advice - I would love to hear it!



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You should hop in on the converstion that Konfuzd and I are having - all sort of similar situations. The guy cares about you, but perhaps the excitement of a new thing has worn off. So, he has to decide - does he want something serious? If no, does he want YOU bad enough that he is willing to be in a serious relationship despite not wanting one.


I was talking to a guy the other day who said that the chemistry always disappears for him after 1-3 months and then he calls it quits. And that is right it changes from chemistry to companionship. Lots of people are freaked out about companionship and obligations. They translate that into "I don't love you anymore" even though you clearly get along great.


You have two options - wait it out if he really wants to be with you he will come around. Or talk to him about it. Call him out - "you say you arent interested in me in that way, but then you get all hurt that I'm with someone else. So, you [dude] need to be clear with me and stop sending me mixed messages. If you want to be together lets do it. If you don't then pretend like you don't care that I'm with someone else and stop sending me mixed messages."

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Thanks Okeydokey - I think you are right on target. I have called him out a few times on some things that he has done and he has said I am mistaking his actions as he "is such a caring person". Yeah right whatever dude.


So that said - I suppose I will have to wait and see if he comes around. Granted I love him, but I am not going to turn down any other potential guy. This guy that I went on a couple dates - I don't see if going anywhere, but on the other hand - it seems to be making him jealous so who I may go out with him for "sh*t and giggles". :-)


Thanks for your advice and for responding!

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Yeah I'm not surprised that he doesn't like you calling him out on it... Probably says, "you're always misinterpreting things or things don't always have some underlying meaning to them." I think the point really is - he wants to know if his sulking will still get a reaction from you, but doesn't really want much more follow up than that. Very annoying. I'm annoyed for you. I think you're right not to say anything.

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