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How much does he like me?


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I was out yesterday with some people that I work with and met my guy friends from college. The one I’m closest with hugged me (let’s call him Y) and told me that “X” was interested in me. I didn’t really come as a surprise but just kind of laughed it off.


X comes up to me and tells me that I’m so pretty, that he really digs my personality etc. This is all very flattering and I think he is a cool guy. He was very drunk, and I become kind of awkward and just kind of gave off “what-do-I-do” stares to Y (I’m a closer friend with Y, then what him and X are). He didn’t seem to take my signals and just kind of smiled back, or made jokes about me and X.


They were also out with some guys I have never met before, and they all stared when I first came into the room. One also came up to me (I have never met him) and told me that “X” was very nervous?? I asked why, but then X came up and his friend switched topic.


What is going on? He sends me generic messages throughout the day, but has never asked me out or anything?

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X likes you. He made a bad impression because he made a bad choice: he used too much liquid courage to be able to talk to you. If you are connected on social media reach out to him & tell him that you'd love to get to know him better while he was sober. You need to make it easy & not scary for him to talk to you. He's terrified on betting hurt.

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