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I would like a "hugs" emoji and "I disagree" emoji.
If I disagree the "mad" emoji is too strong I am not "mad" and the sarcastic "laugh"  emoji which some use is not right either.
Both confer negative emotion which is not necessary.
"I like Black"
I disagree "I like White"
It can be a statement of fact it doesn't need emotion added, just a simple "I disagree"

BUT I used to be on a forum with an "I disagree" emoji and some cliques turned it into means of bullying.
30 "1 agrees" for clique members, 30 "I disagree" for those out of favour... so it would need monitoring if it was adopted.

I would like a "Hugs" emoji to convey sympathy though.

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6 minutes ago, Robert said:

This is one that shows up in the emojis

Tx. Those are useful if you’re quoting a post, rather than just reacting to it and passing on, which I understood to be @elaine567’s intention. 

Edited by Prudence V
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I don't think we should add any negative reactions. If you disagree or dislike, take the time to reply and say why. Keep the conversation going. 

A one second way to stick your finger up at another poster, there's no good that will come from it.

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I agree there shouldn't be negative reaction emojis.  Although if there is such a thing as an "Eh" one, that would be okay.  How about this one?  😶


It's kind of "huh?"

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I made two posts with multiple links, which now require moderator approval. I understand the desire to reduce spam but when you're just trying to link to helpful/supplemental information it's pretty annoying.

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7 hours ago, lana-banana said:

I made two posts with multiple links, which now require moderator approval. I understand the desire to reduce spam but when you're just trying to link to helpful/supplemental information it's pretty annoying.

When I put a link it took like 5 minutes for the mods to approve it. Don't worry. :)

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3 hours ago, SummerDreams said:

When I put a link it took like 5 minutes for the mods to approve it. Don't worry. :)

This probably varies according to geography - those posting from similar time zones to mods will see quicker processing than those in more remote time zones. 

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Seems like a little dose of ML would do the trick, coupled with a 100 post rule or something. Maybe whitelist links to some domains like .gov etc. 

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Yes, such suggestions have been made to us. Since we've started scrutinizing all links it has been, with the ones I've examined personally, the vast majority are from .com web sites; very little .org, .edu, .gov. One thread that's full of .com web sites is the song thread in Water Cooler, most of those from YouTube. Every one of those videos has to be manually approved. I don't doubt that's annoying. However, YouTube is full of advertising and spam and promoters of commercial products so there's no practical way of white-listing the domain. Right now, manually examining links generally gets done quickly, except when there's no staff around to do it. A couple of tips:

1. Don't make the post mostly text from a link. Post a link to support one's own opinion/perspective/viewpoint and focus on that.

2. Don't post a deluge of links and past walls of text from those links. Content is often copyrighted and we have Community Guidelines regarding such postings. Generally, 250 words or less, quoted with attribution, is OK.

If anyone wishes a clarification of linking to external content or feels something they posted was left unapproved in error, use the 'contact us' form to open a support ticket.

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Are members here allowed to have more than one account? An ‘alter’? I ask because sometimes when you think you’re talking to one person, you feel like you’re really talking to someone else and being used like a science experiment. Not only on the board but also in PM. It feels really creepy. Some of these stories I swear I’ve heard from other posters ... 

It doesn’t add to any kind of safe feeling. I mean, mentally It feels not safe. No one can actually jump off the board and harm us, but sometimes you may feel comfortable enough with someone to divulge a bit of information and later you wonder ... 

I’m not talking about the mods having another account if they do. They probably want to be an ‘ordinary’ poster sometimes. Not post with their official mod personality. That’s a little different. 

As far as controlling access, when I modded elsewhere, I could see who was where and what I.P was what. It was easy to tell. 

Am I the only one feeling this? 

Its creepy. 

Hope it’s ok to ask that here. If not, please delete. I asked it mainly out loud because I wanted to know how others felt about it. 

Thanks, kk. 

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Historically, established/supporting members in good standing have been allowed multiple accounts, a practice which went back years prior to my starting as a moderator.

A new feature for some members is the ability to change screen names. I'm not up on all the parameters of that. If a member can see this link:


Then they have access to the feature.

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Yes,  I know they can change names but doesn’t the new name still carry all of their old posts under the old name? That’s no problem. Some people might just get bored and want a new name lol. 

Ok so they can have an alter. Ok.

Thank you. 

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On other forums I also see the opposite; multiple people (maybe spouses or siblings, etc) post on the same account. That can be a trick to sort out as well. 

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23 minutes ago, amaysngrace said:

Can we see our old threads?  

Yes, go to your profile, click on 'See my activity' then look in the left hand column and click on 'Topics'. That should put up a list of the topics you started.

Also, a feature of the new forum is that member posts in the profile lists aren't limited to 500. As far as I can tell every published post is listed.

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Whooo hoooo I was able to edit & correct a typo even though somebody had already cross posted as I was typing.  :)

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Activity stream gone again. Anybody else? 

I’m like Helen Keller in a corn maze here. 

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Happy Lemming
8 minutes ago, K.K. said:

Activity stream gone again. Anybody else? 

I’m like Helen Keller in a corn maze here. 

Yes... same here.

Stay put in that corn maze, I'll come get you.

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Thank you for fixing it! 🙂

Ooops spoke too soon. I have faith though. 

I feel like I’m being a pest now ... im just gonna go ... stand over there. 

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